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Jayda's POV

I regained consciousness in the hospital.

"Help us! We need a doctor!" Dad yelled. He was carrying me. I groaned in pain.

"Ma'am." I heard Jughead say, and he went over to the desk.

"Wait your turn, please." Was her response.

"She was shot." Jughead replied.

"I need you to step back--" the nurse demanded. Sweet Pea banged his fist on the table, grabbing her attention.

"She's dying!" He yelled.

"Hey! What's going on here?" A new voice. Hopefully a doctor.

"My sister was shot, right in the stomach." Jughead explained.

"Hey, get me a gurney." The doctor demanded. I was transferred onto a gurney, and groaned in pain. I looked up at my dad.

"You're going to be okay, okay?" Dad soothed, and I nodded. And, that's the last thing I remembered.


Third Person POV

Someone should of kept Sweet Pea at the hospital. Handcuffed him to a chair and threw away the key. But they didn't.

Sweet Pea and Fangs took it upon themselves to trash the school, to avenge their best friend who was clinging to life in surgery.

They had first headed to Reggie Mantle's house, but he wasn't there, so they went to the school. They destroyed everything in sight, broke windows, kicked over trash cans.

Sweet Pea even put his knife through a poster. They were all very, very angry.

"Serpents! Stop!" Archie Andrews yelled. The Serpents walked angrily down the hall towards the three Bulldogs.

"Well fellas, looks like we've found some Bulldogs to put down." Sweet Pea chuckled, dryly. The other Serpents began to make dog barking noises.

"Sweet Pea. I swear, Reggie didn't shoot Jayda." Archie reasoned.

"Don't you say her name." Sweet Pea snapped.

"It was Mrs. Klump." Archie finished.

"Bull. I saw Mantle with a gun." Sweet Pea shot back, angrily.

"Then you also saw me tackle him before he got a shot off." Archie countered. "It was Midge's mom, she's down at the station."

"Yeah, and Jay is still clinging to life." Sweet Pea's voice cracked with the thought of what happened, but he was still, really angry. "And whether it was Reggie or Mrs. Klump who pulled the trigger, a Northsider put her there!"

There was a beat of silence, and sadness fell on Sweet Pea's face.

"You took our friend, my girlfriend, our land..." He trailed off a bit, still glaring at the redhead. "And you'll take everything if we give you the chance. So, you get to watch, as we burn your school to the ground."

Sweet Pea picked up the nearest trash can, and dumped it's contents on the floor, before throwing it into the glass of the trophy case.

The Bulldogs gripped their bats tighter, and the Serpents pulled out their knives. But, before anyone could get hurt, Weatherbee opened the front doors to the school.

"What the hell do you buys think you're doing to my school?!" Weatherbee yelled.

Both groups were sent on their way. The Serpents headed to Midge Klump's house, to trash it. But, before they could, Jughead stopped them, and rallied them back to the Whyte Wyrm.

Sweet Pea stepped into the Whyte Wyrm, glaring at everyone. He didn't know what to do. The love of his life was in surgery after being shot. He didn't know.

"I can't just sit here." Sweet Pea announced. Jughead grabbed the boy, and shoved him to the wall.

"You don't have a choice, Sweet Pea." Jughead snapped. "You're staying put!" Sweet Pea shoved him off him.

"You said it yourself. The Ghoulies are back." Sweet Pea growled. 

"And we will deal with them. As soon as my dad gets back--" Jughead tried to say.

"Oh, so you're not our leader all of a sudden?" Sweet Pea interrupted. "Oh no, that's right. You're just the guy that got Jay shot!"

"Watch it." Jughead argued, his voice cracking.

"And now, Jay might die." Sweet Pea pressed. "And the Ghoulies are out for our blood, because of a drag race you started."

"An hour." Jughead stated. "That's all I'm asking for, Sweet Pea."


Later on, after Jughead had saved Toni from Penny, all the Serpent were arguing. But, mainly it was Sweet Pea and Jughead.

"It's time we end the Ghoulie scourge, and that traitor, Penny Peabody, permanently." Sweet Pea announced, walking into the centre of the group of Serpents.

"Sweet Pea, two hours ago your fight was with Reggie Mantle." Jughead scoffed. "Now you want us to go to war, over territory we don't even control anymore? This is Hiram Lodge's problem, not ours."

"So, you're just gonna hand over Sunnyside Trailer Park, our home, to Penny and the Ghoulies." Toni argued.

"Toni, I don't want us to die. A rumble with the Ghoulies? It's a suicide run." Jughead argued back.

"It's better than a coward's death." Sweet Pea snapped.

"Don't call me a coward!" Jughead shot back. 

"That's enough!" FP yelled over the bickering teenagers. He didn't look good, as if he'd been crying. "I just got a call from the sheriff's office."

Silence fell over the Serpents, everyone looked at each other with worried glances.

"Jayda, uh... She didn't make it. She's gone." FP told the group. 

"Jay's... dead?" Jughead questioned, tears running down his face.

"And we will mourn her, hell yeah, we will." FP announced. "But first, we must honor her."

Jughead patted Sweet Pea's shoulder, before moving back to his original spot, crying softly. He'd just been told his twin sister, the other half of his soul, had died. And, there was nothing he could do to bring her back. He couldn't process the fact that he'd never see her again, or that he'd never laugh with her again. Or ever talk to her again.

Toni's eyes immediately filled with tears, and she latched onto Cheryl for support. Her best friend, her oldest friend, had died, protecting Fangs. Like the true person she is. Well, was. The girl she used to gossip with, and tease the boys with, was gone. Forever. Someone had taken her away from her. 

Fangs squeezed his eyes shut, masking his tears. All he could think about, was the fact that it was his fault. And she'd taken that bullet for him. All the times they'd stayed up all night binge-watching TV, all the times they'd been arrested together. And if he'd never dated Midge, she would still be there, with him.

Sweet Pea didn't feel when Jughead put a hand on his shoulder. He felt nothing. He was numb. His amazing girlfriend, best friend, love of his life, had died. And, it happened when she was protecting her best friend. He couldn't get it into his head that he'd never see her again. Never see her wearing his shirts that were way too big for her. Never go to a basketball match with her. Never see her smile, hear her laugh, or feel her gentle touch. Inside, he was bawling his eyes out. But on the outside, there was small tears running down his cheeks.

"From what I just heard, we need to put it to a vote." FP continued. "All those against going to war with the Ghoulies?"

No one raised their hand.

"And all those for giving them hell on the battlefield tomorrow?" FP asked. Everyone raised their hands in the Serpent fangs. Except Jughead.  

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