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Jayda's POV

The next morning, I sat with Jughead and Dad at the table, eating breakfast. There was a knock on the door, and Jughead went to open it.

"Sheriff Keller, what a surprise." Jughead sighed.

"Jughead, FP, Jayda." Sheriff Keller greeted. "Sorry it bother you, its, uh--"

"We do not have General Pickens' head. And we do not know who stole it." I cut him off. I was getting rather annoyed with him showing up every five minutes.

"Same as the last four times you came by to ask us and our neighbours." Dad added.

"You know Sheriff, these visits are starting to feel a lot like harassment." Jughead pointed out. "There's absolutely no evidence, zero proof whatsoever pointing to any particular group of suspects."

"Well, you did write a rather scathing article about the general's legacy, which prompted the Southside Serpents to stop by Pickens Day with an ax to grind." Sheriff Keller retorted.

"I'm actually writing a new article, about how you care more about catching a vandal than the Black Hood." Jughead snapped. "Can I get a quote?"

"See you soon, Sheriff." I said, as he walked out the door.

"Kids, get to school." Dad said, and he stood up.

"Dad, get to work." I responded, in his same tone. Before he could say anything back, Jughead and I were out the door, and we headed to school.

School was boring. Boring lessons, boring teachers. Nothing exciting or dramatic happened. Only Jughead and Betty being called to the principal's office, which was probably about Jughead's article.

After school, I had basketball practice, the last one before our match against Seaside High. Jughead and I then went to Pop's to catch up.


After going to Pop's, Jughead and I came around the corner, and saw Sheriff Keller at our door.

"Sheriff Keller, we have to stop meeting like this." I said, annoyed.

"Where's your dad at?" Keller asked us.

"His shift at Pop's, why?" Jughead responded. Keller stapled something to our door.

"It's an eviction notice." He answered. He came down the trailer's stairs. "You two, your dad, pretty much everyone in this place, you all gotta clear out."

"What?!" I said, angrily. "Don't tell me this is alll because of some stupid head. For the millionth time, Sheriff, we did not decapitate General Pickens." I was really angry now, and was standing opposite him, yelling at him.

"And you can't use that as some trumped-up excuse to try and evict all of us." I continued, and I felt eyes on me as I yelled.

"Look, I'm just the messenger. This order comes down from the mayor's office." He responded, calmly. "Apparently, there's a lot of back rent owed here. You have 14 days to vacate. Perhaps while you're packing, you might come across that head. Calm the waters a little."

He began to walk away, and I lunged at him, but Jughead pulled me back.

"No. He'll throw you in jail." Jughead said, as I struggled. I gave up, and spotted Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs, all holding an eviction notice. I went over to them.

"Did you guys get one too?" I asked them, and they all nodded.

"My mom's freaking out, we have nowhere else to go." Fangs said, sadly. "Farrah, and Finn are really scared, I don't know what to tell them."

"I'll sort this out. We're not going anywhere." I replied. "They can't kick us out for something we didn't even do."


We gathered at the Whyte Wyrm, where my dad was going to announce his plan.

"We all got the eviction notices, but I swear to you, no one is going anywhere." Dad began. "The heat's been on us since Pickens Day, and they are using that damn statue as an excuse to turn it up. But, if we're gonna fix this, I gotta ask: Is anyone in this room responsible for cutting off Pickens' head?"

"Why don't you ask your kids what they have to say?" Tallboy asked, stepping out of the crowd.

"What is your problem with me, Tallboy?" Jughead snapped, while I just glared at him.

"You wrote the article that started this mess. You and your posse fired the opening shot at Pickens Day." Tallboy spat back. 

"It was a peaceful protest, turncoat." Toni snapped.

"That accomplished nothing." Tallboy cut her off. "So, what's to say that you and your boyfriend, and the princess and her boyfriend didn't go back that night with a ladder and hacksaw?"

"Hey, we didn't do it!" I yelled, and ran over there angrily so I was face to face with him. Sweet Pea, Toni and Jughead were close behind me.

I bet it was him who did it, and was trying to pin it on us. He turned on us with the Ghoulies, it was only a matter of time until he did it of a second time.

"Hell, Tallboy you're the tallest guy in this room. You wouldn't even need a ladder." Jughead snapped, taking the words right out of my mouth.

"Jughead, Jayda... Tallboy. The last thing we need right now is to turn of each other." Dad said, stepping in between us. "Hey, we'll find a way out of this." He pushed me and Jughead away. 

"Come on, let's go." Sweet Pea said to me, and pulled me out of the bar. As soon as we were outside, I angrily kicked an empty trash can over. He walked over to me, and put a hand on my arm. "Hey, calm down."

"Calm down! We're all getting kicked out of our homes." I said, annoyed. "And Tallboy's trying to blame the decapitation on me. On us!" 

"Jay. Jayda look at me." Sweet Pea said, and put a hand on my face, and turned my head to face him. "It's going to be okay." 

His words made me feel calm, and I instantly felt better. I threw my arms around him, and hugged him tightly. He hugged back, and kissed the top of my head.

"Come on, I'll take you home." He said, and we walked over to his bike hand in hand. We climbed on, and I wrapped my arms around his waist. Then, he drove me home.

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