"America Delinquent"

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Now headed to the Grand Hotel.

Get you get to the Hotel, Jotaro handed your keys to the room.

Getting to your room 196. You opened your door to see a big window that showed the town of Morioh.
Though the town was small, it was a beautiful change from New York. You didn't realize just how tired you were of looking at the same city everyday.

You then sat down on your bed, it was a Queen sized bed, so soft too.
You let yourself flop on the bed.

You thought it was a nice change. You thought you might have not liked going here but, this might be just what you needed.

Getting up, you pulled off your backpack and and started to unpack.
Taking out a picture of your father, you put him on top of your drawer.

You didn't have much to unpack so you finished quickly.

Soon you heard a knock on your door.
You were Cautious.

You tried to look through the peek hole on the door. But you saw nothing but someone's chest. They were obviously tall.

"Who is it?" You yelled.

"It's Kujo" you heard Jotaro from the other side of the door.
You quickly opened the door.

"Hello Jotaro" you said.

"May I come in?" He asked. You concerned on what he wanted but then you nodded.

"Sure, come on in" you told him.
As you crawl onto your bed. Jotaro sat at the edge of the bed.

"So... what do you need?" You asked him.

"It's well known that other stand users know I am here.. and it's hard get anything done" he said.

You stayed silent.
As he looked around your room. He sees a picture of the stardust crusaders.

Seeing himself as a young teenager again along with his other friends.

"I need you to do some outside work for me" he said as he looked at the picture.

"O-ok... what do you need?" You asked.

"Basically go around town, see if you can find anything suspicious about it" he said.

You already knew what you where looking for, a serial killer.
You were ready to get right to work, after all.. this was the reason why you came. To be helpful.

"Yes Kujo, anything you need" you told him.

"As a 16 year old young woman, you can't exactly just walk around town"
He said. You where confused by his words.

"What dose that mean?" You asked.

"I'm putting you in school, at least the same as Josuke" he said.

"What?! School?! No! I'm not good with people! Plus! I already finished school YEARS early! I don't need school anymore!" You told Jotaro.

"Im not putting you in school to learn, I'm putting you in school to be with other stand users such as Josuke and other users you haven't meet yet" he said.

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