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" I'm Shigekiyo Yangu and I'm 13 years old!" He said happily.

" so What school do you go to? And what grade are you in?" you asked him as you wanted to gather as much information as you could on him to report to Jotaro.

"I'm a second year at Budogaoka Middle School! I weigh 110 kilograms and my mama and papa call me Shigechi!" He said as he started to rant on with a lot of information.

You even pulled out a small notebook and began to write down the important information so you didn't forget.

"My turtle I have at home is named Gonta! The other day I was wondering if 41 yen ,62 yen, 150 yen tasted different, so I licked them all and mama yelled at me" he said

For a kid not much younger than you, he talked a lot.
Maybe it was because you grew up a little to fast but either way, you made sure to write down important information.

"This is a picture of my mama" he said pulling out a picture form his pocket.

"Oh, your mom is actually kinda hot" you over heard Okuyasu.

"Tell me about your stand" you told the boy.

"You call them harvest right?" Said Josuke.
"Did they really collect all of this?"

"Yep! They pick up coins in ditches, underneath vending machines and things like that!" He said.

"Woah! It's like your returning the forgotten money back into the economy" said Josuke.

"Woooow! Did your brain hurt after thinking about that?? You actually pay attention to Econ class?" You said sarcastically.

"I might not get perfect grades but they are good enough!" Said Josuke stomping his feet.

You giggled as you sketched the new stand to show Jotaro later.

"You know I'm kinda jealous! You're smart" said Okuyasu.

"Really you think I'm smart?!"

As you let them have a conversation, you properly fixed your notes. Finished up a sketch you did on the stand, you added little side notes about it.

You heard the boys yell in the background as you tried to focus on your notes. You didn't want to waste Jotaro's time so you wanted to clean them up.

"Did he ever mention his moms name?" You thought to yourself.

Soon the boys started to loud again.

"Ugh guys! Can you be any louder I'm trying to focus!"

"H-hey!" Said Okuyasu as he grabbed you and Josuke in a head lock.

"Look, Josuke stop being and goody-two-shoes! If he's willing to give us money then we shouldn't argue! We should take it dumbass!" Said Okuyasu.

"Wait you can't be serious!" You said. Getting out of his grip.

"I agree with y/n, my pride won't let me do that" said Josuke.


"Clam down!" You told him.

"Look I totally understand where your coming from! Stop crying!" Said Josuke.

"But..." Okuyasu cried.

"What's so good about money anyways? It dose nothing but sit in a bank" you said.

"Well sorry we got poor people problems! Something like this isn't a problem to you rich people" said Josuke.

"I'm not rich!" You told him.

Last train to Morioh (josuke x reader)Where stories live. Discover now