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You looked down at your metal arm as see the needles stuck on them. You can only imagen what other stand users the stand arrow made.
You sighed deeply as you plucked the needles off your arm.
"At least we can relax for a little while..."

After the hunt.
You went back to your hotel room and finished your School work under an hour. Of course you finished so fast because you knew the answers.

You made sure Joseph took his pills and went to bed.

-next morning-

You took a quick shower and got dressed. You didn't really go for a fancy look today. You throw on a black turtleneck, light blue jeans and to top it off a brown coat.

Now ready, you grabbed your backpack and made sure you had your cellphone

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Now ready, you grabbed your backpack and made sure you had your cellphone.
Once you made sure, you left to school.

-car ride-

You thanked Jotaro and head to classes. 

As you walked down the halls of your school. You saw someone. Ariels. You wanted to say hi to her, but you were scared that she still hates you.

As you got closer to her, you decided to look down and hide your face from her. Even if you did say hi. You were probably going to say something stupid and make it worse.

You finally got to your classes and sat down at your desk.
As you where pulling out your notes for class. Koichi came up to you.

"Y/n! Did you do the homework for class? Please tell me you did!" He ask desperately.

"Uh... yeah I have them done" you said.

"Aah! Perfect! Can I copy a little bit of your homework? Its just the first half I didn't understand" he said.

"Yeah no worries" you told him, as Koichi started to copy.

"Oi! Koichi! Why copy off of her? I have them done to!" Said Josuke.

"Yeah... but I trust y/n's answers more.." said Koichi.
"SHES the top of the class!" He said in a whisper yell.

You where the top of the class? You haven't been paying much attention to your grades honestly, you just wanted to get out of there.

"What?! She dose! Y/n! Can I copy you toooo??" Asked Okuyasu.

"Hey! I have a good grade in this class too! Just copy me!" Said Josuke to Okuyasu.

"No way! Your first answer it wrong already compared to y/n!" He said fighting Josuke.

You watched them fight over who they should copy off of. You simply smiled and softly giggled to it.

Josuke heard your laugh which made him stop to see you smile. He hasn't really seen you smile through out this whole thing. So when he saw your soft smile. It made him blush, and it caused him to lose the fight he was in.

Last train to Morioh (josuke x reader)Where stories live. Discover now