" I'm Shigekiyo Yangu "

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"You weren't home yet, so I waited for you to return" he said as he got up from his set to walk to you.
He planted a kiss on your forehead. 
"I was getting worried" he said with a smile.

"Holy shit! I really need to pee!" You said as you did your best to look for a bathroom.

As you awkwardly jogged around town looking for the nearest bathroom.
You wore black ankle boots, black skirt and a pink sweater and white gloves.

"For fuck sake!" You said as you crossed your legs hopefully you didn't pee right then and there

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"For fuck sake!" You said as you crossed your legs hopefully you didn't pee right then and there.

You tapped on a random mans shoulder.
"H-hello sir.. you don't happen to know a restroom near by do you?" You asked.

"Yeah, just down the street there's a park and the park should have a bathroom" he said.

You thanked him and ran to the park.
Quickly getting inside.

As you finally sat down, you let go of the most satisfying pee you have ever felt. As you finally relaxed, you heard your cellphone ringing.

You grabbed you bag of where the ringing was coming from.
"Where is it? I swear I can't find anything in this bag!" You said as you accidentally dropped the bag, but the phone fell out with it along with some coins you've changed your US dollars for Yen.

"Shit!" You quickly picked up the phone before you missed the call.

"Hello?! Muhammad speaking!" You said.

"Y/n.. are you busy?" You heard Jotaro on the other side of the call.

"Ah, Kujo.. no, not really why?" You ask. As the call went on. You sat there picking up all of your stuff off the ground. As you did, something came out form the other stall.

It was small, round and yellow with purple stripes.
"A-... stand?" You looked at it a little bit longer. The thing looked at you which made you jump a little as you let out a little scream.

"Y/n! What happened?" You heard Kujo.

"Uhh, I think there's a new- HEY!" The little stand jumped on you.
"GET OFF!" You yelled as you kicked it.

You ended up dropping the phone and your bag.

The stand jumped off you and picked up the yen that fell out.

"Found it" the stand said.

'Found it?' You thought. You then watched it run out of your Bathroom stall.

"Hey! Come back!" You yelled.
You quickly grabbed your bag and picked up the phone.
"Imma have you call you back later! There's something I have to do!" You yelled.

"Y/n wait-" you hung up on Jotaro and put the phone back in your bag, you ran after the stand.

"Come back!" You yelled as you ran after it.

Running out of the park, you followed the new stand.
As it ran into a crowd of people you did your best to keep up with it.

"Ex-squeeze me! Coming through! Move! I'm in a rush!" You yelled as you tried to get passed people.

You started losing the stand. You were panicking of losing track of it when it. What if you lose it and it turns out to be an enemy stand user? What if you get Mr.Joestar or Kujo hurt because of something foolish?

You got frustrated at the thought as people continued to be in your way.

"MOVE! I HAVE TO TAKE A SHIT!!" You yelled.

The people quickly moved away from you as they gave you a dirty look.

As you finally caught up to the stand again, it turned a corner.

Keeping your eyes on the ground, you didn't realize that someone else was in front of you. You crashed into the person and the both of you fell.

"Ow!" You said as you rubbed your bum.

"Y/n?" You heard Okuyasu.

You looked up at him.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" You asked him as he helped you back up.

"I'm chasing that stand" he said.

You laughed.
"Ahah, right.... SHIT THE STAND!"

You both quickly went back to running.
Following it, you see there's now two.

"There's two stands??" You asked surprised.

"So why are you chasing it? Did it attack you?" You asked him.

"No... it scared the shit out of me when I was at a vending machine" he said.

"So it didn't attack?" You asked him as you where huffing heavily as you ran.

"No! It just grabbed a coin from underneath the machine!" He said.

As you started to think about it, it did take some of your money as well.

Soon, as you ran, you recognize someone.

"Oi! Josuke!" Okuyasu calles out for him.

As the three of you now ran together.
More and more tiny stands started to gather together.

"There's more?!"
The three of you yelled.

"Where the hell do they keep coming form?" You heard Okuyasu.

"I don't know but we better find out!" Said Josuke.

Running into a park like area, you wanted the stands run to a tree.

"Keep an eye out, the stand user must be near by" said Josuke.

Soon the stands stood together and watched them spit every coin they each carried and watched it all fall into a pile of endless money.

Josuke and Okuyasu wowed at the sight of money. You couldn't blame them though, it was impressive.

"Well done you guys! I think this is about 5 thousand yen! As long as I have you harvest I'll never worry about money!" Said to was seems to be the user.

"You think that's the stand user?" Asked Josuke.

"Must be, I don't see anyone else near by" you added.

"You think he's a stand user because of the bow and arrow?" Asked Okuyasu.

"It's possible, I need to call this in to Jotaro, and guys keep your voices down" you said.

As soon as you said that, you heard the rustling sounds of the bush you where hidden behind of.
You looked up and saw the boy that was talking to his stand looking down at you with a creepy face.

It made your stomach turn.

But that changed when the boy grind at you.

"You! You can see my hearvst can't you?!" The boy said.

"Y-yeah we can" you answered, the boys were busy looking at the big pile of money.

"Woah! You really can see them!" Said the boy.

"Yeah, they are called stands" said Josuke and the three of you showed your stands to him.
"I'm Josuke Higashikata, this is Okuyasu Nijimura" he said.

"Am Im y/n Mohammed... I must say, you seem very young.." you said to the boy.

" I'm Shigekiyo Yangu and I'm 13 years old!" He said happily.

Short I know, I'm sorry!😩
I hope it's enough 💕

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