Heart Father

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"Where the hell is Josuke when you need him?" You asked yourself.
Soon you heard foot steps and heavy breathing, you looked behind you to see a man in a purple suit, blond hair and blue eyes.

You gasped at the sight of the man, his hand was bleeding.

"I was planning in getting a member ship at the gym... I need to work on my stamina"

"Y-you... your the one that hurt her... didn't you" you said in a low voice.

"And who are you?" He said

"I am the daughter of Mohammed Avdol! And I asked you a question... are you the one that stole the hand of a young girl" you asked as you tried your best to keep your flames under control.

"Oh, you mean that fat girl in high school... yeah.. her hand is very lovely" he said as he pulled out a hand from his coat.

You just knew it was her hand, you watched the man slowly lick it in front of you.

At that point it was impossible for you to control your fire.

Your body bursted in flames, your eyes leaked fire and so did the palm of your hands.

"Killer queen!" He yelled as you saw a pink like cat of a stand show up behind him.

"Shocking blue!" Your stand appeared behind you, you where filled with anger, you where almost blinded by it.

You walked up to the man.

"What? You want her hand back? Here.. take it!" He yelled as you watched a hand get thrown at you.

You caught the hand with care.

Your fire was quickly put out as you didn't want to burn the hand, you wanted Josuke to repair it.

Soon you heard a click.

"Killer queen already touched that.."

Soon the hand exploded.

Everything moved in slow motion, you can feel your heart stop.

You just lost her hand forever, nothing can bring it back. Not even Josuke can.

soon your body was covered in the explosion.

In anger you yelled. You used the fire in the explosion and used it against the killer.

You burned his suit, you can tell that he wasn't expecting it.

"Y/n!" You heard Koichi.

You looked behind you, you can tell he wanted to help you.

As you where looking away, the killers stand punched you.

"Y/n!" Koichi called out again.

"Stay there! I need you to hold that tank down!" You yelled at him.

"That tank... is Sheer heart attack, my Killer Queen's second ability" he said as he showed his left hand.

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