⚜️Aerials x reader⚜️

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Aerials x reader
SHORT story
One shot

Because everyone has been simping over her and I've been requested one a few times. I thought it would be fun to make one.

Obviously if your not interested then you can move on☺️💕

⚜️ ————————————————— ⚜️

You can hear the sound of your cellphone ringing.

Your eyes felt heavy,you groaned as you slam the palm of your hand onto your bed side table in searching for your cellphone.

Your finger tips finally found the vibration of the phone and grabbed it, answering with a morning voice.

"Hello?... Muhammad y/n.." you said in the most tired voice.

"Y/n! Good morning my beautiful baby! How's Morioh?" Asked your happy mother on the other side of the phone.

"Mom.. it's so early in the morning..." you said whining.

"Really? Oh! I'm sorry! You know how it is! I always forget time zones exist" she said.

"Why did you call?" You asked her a little annoyed.

"I just wanted to know how my little girl is doing on her trip with Jotaro" she said. 

"I'm doing great mom, thanks.. how about you?" You asked.

"Oh it's been fine! Might fight a few stand users here and there but it's ok.. you don't have to worry about me" she said.

You bit on your lower lip as your anxiety kicked in.
"Please be careful mom.. I don't want to lose you too.." you spoke softly.

Your mother noticed the change of tone in your voice.
"I know hon, I always am" she said.

All though she said it through a phone call, you just knew that she said it with a grin.

You and your mother never really got over your fathers death, but you knew that both of you were grieving in your own ways.

Soon you let out a sniff as tears fell down your cheek.
You began to weep softly as you tried to cover up.

Your mother heard your muffed cries.

"I know... I miss him too" she said as you can hear her sniff as well.

But she was quick to recover.
"I'm sure he's watching over us" she said.
"He would have been proud of the woman you grew to be" she said.

As you recovered yourself, you let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, and I'm sure he's protecting you on your journey too mom" you said.

"I'm sure, anyways.. I got to go, say hi to your boyfriend for me will ya?" She said.

You felt something was off when she said that sentence.

"Yeah, no worries.. bye mom, I love you" you said.

"I love you most" she said before hanging up.

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