"Come with me"

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On your way home, you decided to pass by Ariels house.

You knocked on the door. You waited.
Soon the door opened, her father answered the door.

"Hi, I was wondering if Ariels home" you said.

"Yes she is, come on in" he said welcoming you in.

As you sat on the couch, you waited for her to come.

Soon you heard a small scream form her room and running foot steps  headed to you.

Once she saw you, her eyes lit up along with a wide smile.
"You would not believe what happened last night!" She said.

You smiled.
"Tell me everything! How was it?!"

"Girl! We walked so much my thighs started to rub against each other leaving me all red!" She said as she rubbed her inner thighs.

"It was getting colder as I ate ice cream that he bought me so he let me have his hoodie!" She said.

"IT WAS AMAZING!" She said practically screaming.

"That's great!" You said.

"Not only that! We had so much fun, he wants to take me out again for another date! He even wants to make us official!" She said so happy.

"Really? I thought it was already official" you said.

"How about you? Whats up with you and Josuke?" She said biting her lips.

"Oh come on, how many times do I have to say it? We are not a thing! And we will never be a thing!" You said.

She smiled.
"Right, I'll quote you on that, the day you start going out, move in together, get married and have a kid-" you cut her off.

"Woah! Slow down! I can't even think about what I want to do with my life and you're already planning marriage and kids?!"

"Yes!" She squealed.

As you spent time with her a little longer, it was time for you to head home.

Saying goodbye, you walked the long lonely streets home.

Soon you came to the hotel, taking the stairs, you finally made it to your room, Joseph wasn't in bed.

You dropped your bags and knocked on the bathroom door.
"Mr. Joestar, are you in there?" You waited for an answer.

You didn't hear anything.

Again you knocked.
"Mr.Joestar? Hello?" You became worried.

You opened the bathroom door to see no one.

You then looked his side of the room, maybe he left a note?

Nothing. You found nothing. You felt your chest getting heavy.

"Jotaro!" You yelled, running to his room.
You knocked loudly as the door rattled of how hard you hit.

Soon jotaro opened the door.
"Y/n? What is it? Why are you knocking so hard?" He said with his calm voice.

"Joseph's gone!" You yelled.

"Oh, right, he won't be here for a few days but don't worry he's with the foundation" he said.

"So he's just not going to be here for a while?" You asked.

"Yes" he said as he closed the door. Leaving you out in the hall.

"So I'm alone?" You asked yourself.

Going back to your room, you sat there, you had nothing to do.
You didn't have Joseph to take care of anymore.

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