"Let's go Hunting"

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You where sleeping soundly until you heard loud banging on the door.

You jolted up from your bed.
The loud banging continued. Getting up from bed, you opened your door to see Jotaro.

"Kujo? What are you doing banging my door so loudly, it's only 6 am" you said sleepy as you rubbed your eyes.

"Get dressed, you and I are going to get to work" he said.
"Let's go hunting"

"Oh! Jotaro! I never thought you'd be one to hunt like that" you heard Joseph as he got up from his bed.
"But if your hunting, get yourself a girl that has some nice big-"

"OLD MAN!" Said both you and Jotaro said at the same time.

"Joseph... just take your medication for this morning, I'll come back soon" you told him.

As you had time to change into normal clothes. You wore a black turtleneck, and black pants. Then to top it off, you put a yellow baggy flannel and black gloves.

 Then to top it off, you put a yellow baggy flannel and black gloves

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As you changed you where a little nervous about the hunt. He told you that a rat was shot by the stand arrow, it only made you question how many others where shot by it.

Getting into the car besides Jotaro. You sat quietly while the radio played.

"Where are we going?" You finally asked.

"Going to pick someone up" he said.

You were concerned of what he meant by that.
"Just... try not to kill each other" he said.

"Wait! No! Don't tell me!" You said.


"Josuke, I want you to come hunting with me" said Jotaro.

You stood behind him with your arms crossed, facing away from Josuke.

"Wait a sec, Jotaro! You mean 'hunting' as... we're gonna be hunting some chicks with nice bodies?" He said.

'Some chicks'? With 'nice bodies'??
You were disappointed in Josuke, you really did expected more from him.

"Ugh, you're just like your father!" You said angry and disgusted.
"You two think alike..." you said quietly.

"y/n..." you heard Josuke. You looked up at him still with your arms crossed.

"Im not what you think... I'm the kinda of guy who's more into pure love" he said walking closer to you.
"I never looked at girls just for their looks, I care for personality... I could care less about their body types if their heart is pure and care for others" he said.

His words made you warm inside, almost calming you down. Maybe Josuke is better, and you just got off the wrong foot.

"J-Josuke.. I never knew-"
"But of course, having the prettiest woman with big boobs isn't all that bad either" he added.

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