"Im sorry"

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Ariels POV

I just got out of my art class, I had a report card in my hands. I have an F and I just left from speaking to the teacher.

"Geez, I miss one assignment and suddenly I'm failing class!"

Just as I was about to walk away I heard a small group of girls.
"Are you ok?" I over heard. I turned around to see three girls in PE clothes.

"You dont look so good" she said.

"He's from the middle school"
I heard another girl say

"There's something wrong! Should we get the teacher?" Asked one of the girls.

"Nah, he's creepy, just leave him" said another.

Soon the group of girls left. Just as I was about to leave myself, I saw the middle schooler. He was badly hurt.

"Oh my god! Hey kid are you alright?!" I asked rushing to his side.

"J-Josuke, mama... papa" he said.

"Josuke? What?" The boy got up, he was about to open a door to a classroom.

But just by the touch of the door nob
Something made a clicking sound.

And before I could react, the boy exploded right in front of my eyes. The explosion was so hard it made me hit the wall near by.

I tried to get back up, but my vision was blurry.
I looked back at the door of where the boy was.

But to my surprise, he was completely gone.
But I can see in the reflection of the glass on the classroom door. I saw a man, blond hair, in a purple dress suite.

"You saw didn't you" he said.

I looked above me, there he was standing from the open window.
His hand grabbed my face.

"Your hands are lovely"

My breathing became heavy.
Then I let out a scream.


Your POV

You pulled out your wallet form your back pocket of your black jeans, you pulled out some money but your gloves made it difficult to grab.

You were buying a drink from a vending machine

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You were buying a drink from a vending machine.

Grabbing the can, you grabbed the little opener and opened the drink.

Taking a sip of the drink, you heard something. Someone.

"Y/n!!" You heard Ariels.

Your body automatically moved on its own, you followed the scream form down the hall.

Sprinting, you then found a huge crowd of students.

"What happened?"

"Did you see that?"

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