"Last train to Morioh"

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With a gasp. You remembered.

You called and called but Jotaro just didn't answer the phone.

You where left with no choice but to try to find them on your own.

"God damnit!" You yelled.
"Shocking blue!"

You remembered your fathers Words. If you focused enough you can see into the future like a movie.

You looked at your stand.

"I don't know exactly how to do this... so help me out here" you said to her.

You looked into her starry eyes.
As she placed a hand on your head you were able to see, the future.

The outcomes with each and every action, word choices.

Your breathing started to quicken as she showed you the future.

You can feel tears fall as you watched.

Once shocked blue was done.
You inhaled sharply, you pressed a hand on your stomach and another on your heart.

"T-thats- my future?" You asked in fear. You didn't want it to be your future.

But you had no choice, there was only a right way to do it, and your going to follow in your father's footsteps.

"I must do this... for Josuke, I care about Josuke's future more than my own... and I'll give everything for it"

Though your words where true. You still feared moving forward, the idea of Josuke being hurt was enough pain.

After 17 minutes of walking, you finally found it.

Turning a corner. You saw him.

Josuke was badly hurt, with two wooden sticks in him, his movements where stiff but he still stood tall. He was so strong.

You can hear an ambulance near by.
You can see Jotaro, Koichi, Rohan. All with the same fearful expression.

"Don't let him hit that switch!" You heard Josuke.

"Yoshikage Kira!" You yelled.

The man in white office suit and white black hair turned to look behind him to see who called his name.

His eyes widened when he saw you.

"Y/n! You're ok!" Said Josuke happily.

You smiled.
"Yes! I am!" You yelled confidently.

"Oh, the child.. I thought I put you down" he said angry. He was badly injured, but even so, he was still very dangerous.

So you felt no pity for kicking a man while he's down.
You only wished that you were the one to down him.

You then made you way to him.
"I thought I told you... I'm a woman"
You clutched your fist.

As the man now towering over you. He smiled.

Last train to Morioh (josuke x reader)Where stories live. Discover now