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As your class came to an end. Lunch rolled in. And you expected to have a nice and quiet lunch. You never expected what came next.

You grabbed your lunch from the lunch line and sat down at a table and began to eat your food.

Quietly eating.
You looked around, your eyes scanned the whole room, you then spotted Josuke with the same two people. Koichi and Okuyasu.

You watched them have conversations from a far. You smiled softly as you see josuke laugh out loud with the cute smile he had.

'Wait, did I really just think that?'
You shook your head as in wanting to get rid of the thought.

you ate your food aggressively as if wanting to eat away the thought.
As you filled your mouth, you heard a boys voice calling you.

You turned around to see a boy, older than you.
You swallowed your food and spoke.

"Hello" you said.

The boy blushed madly as you even noticed him.
"H-hi, my names Akio..." he said shyly.

"Hi, I'm-"

"I already know your name! Your y/n Muhammad, you just transferred from New York" he said cutting you off. You where surprised of how much he already knew about you.

"I'm sorry... what I just did was really creepy, I didn't mean to come out as a stalker" he said nervously.
"I just, I know I just met you and all, but Ive been watching you and you seem like a very sweet girl" he said. Once again, he realized how much of a creep he sounded. He muttered under his breath as he looked away from you.

"God... so stupid.." he said in a low voice. He looked back at you and smiled softly and nervously. He was actually kinda cute, he was quiet tall, not as tall as Josuke. He had light brown hair with orangey colored eyes. They where lovely to stare at all day.

"I just.... god, this is so difficult.. I just wanted to say, that I think that you are the most beautiful, intelligent  and most interesting girl in this school, and I just want to ask... will you go out with me?" He finally said.

You didn't know how to respond, this was so sudden, you felt something warm in your chest, this was the first time someone ever told you that.

You struggled to find words.
"I- I don't know what to say.." you said.

"Hey! I know it's super sudden and it's literally your first day, I won't make you rush your decision, just... just say you'll at least think about it?" He asked so sweetly.

You didn't know what to say, you didn't want to hurt his feelings, but you didn't think you deserved love, your too much of a loner to fit in with someone as handsome as Akio.

"I- I'm sorry, but I have to reject your offer" you told him, avoiding eye contact.
"You're a sweet boy, but I don't think this would work out" you told him.

"O-okay.. that's fine.. thank you for being honest" he said sadly, but he respected your decision.

As he left you alone to eat, you let go of a breath you didn't know you were holding.

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