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Sorry for the long wait, I was going to update sooner... but there was a huge cluster fuck in the book so I had to take a few steps back.
So now what WAS one chapter, became 4
Different chapters... again, sorry for the long wait
Thank you for reading💕


Next morning.
You woke up around 6:30 in the morning.

You were still tired but you got up anyways.

You had a nightmare last night. No, it wasn't a nightmare, it was real.

You saw Ariels on the floor bleeding out, her hands where gone and she kept saying.

'I'm cold y/n' and ' why didn't you protect me?'

'My hands are gone because of you'

Getting in the shower, you turned the water all the way to the cold side.

The water felt ice cold.
You stood underneath it for a while, just crying again.

Your weeping is what filled the bathroom along with the running water.

After the shower, you finally got dressed.

Looking at the time

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Looking at the time.
It was 7:54.

You calmly got up and decided to go to his office a little early.

Knocking on the door gently, Jotaro opened the door, he was in black shirt and gray sweat pants.

"Y/n, you're 30 minutes early" he said.

"I've been awake since 5 in the morning.." you said.

"You look tired, are you sure you don't want to rest a little longer?" He asked.

"I can't sleep, I was up till 3am..." you said as you walked in his room.

"Are you sure you don't want to rest? You hardly got 2 hours of sleep" he said closing the door behind you.

"Mr.Kujo! How can I sleep? When all I see is her on the floor bleeding, saying that it's my fault.. I couldn't protect her..." you said.

You felt sad but you didn't cry, you didn't like crying in front of people. It made you feel weak.

Jotaro didn't say anything, He sighed and spoke again.

" I know how it feels, it just makes you wish you could go back in time... so you can save them.. or at least see them one last time" he said with a hand on your metal shoulder.

You then looked up at him. You can tell he wasn't just talking about you, he did understand how you felt.

"The 50 day trip.." you said quietly.
"You became friends with a boy, Noriaki right?" You asked.

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