"Three Days Grace"

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"Did I make you proud daddy?" You asked as you looked into the sky, the sun shining down on you, the sun light brought warmth to you skin.
Bringing you comfort, making you fall into deep sleep.

You woke up in the hospital.

This time, Josuke was right besides you.

"Ha! Yes! You're awake!" He said.

You looked at your arm to see your body glowing yellow, he must have fixed you.

You sat up as you regain energy.

"God, you really like scaring me don't you?" Said Josuke.

You chuckled.
"It's not like I want too " You said getting out of bed.
"So what happened, did you find the user?" You asked.

"Yeah, we won't have to worry about him anymore, he won't be leaving this hospital for another few months" said Josuke.

"How long have I been out?" You asked.

"Ah, just like 4 hours or so, not that long" he said.

You sighed in relief.

Soon you felt Josuke hug you.
"I'm glad your ok" he said as he kissed your cheek softly.
"Jotaro brought you in, I've never seen him look so emotional.. it scared me"

You smiled and hugged him back.

"Come on, lets go" he said.

You simply followed.
Walking outside, Jotaro was waiting.

"Jotaro I'm sor-" you were cut off by a large man hugging you tightly.

"I was sacred, I thought you where going to die" he said.

You smiled.
"I'm still kicking" you said.

"Come on, it's late, lets go back to the hotel" he said getting in the car.

You waved goodbye to Josuke and headed to the hotel.

"so far we are back to 0, I'm sending you back to school" said Jotaro.

"Is there a point? I'm pretty sure he knows how we all look like now" you said.

"Well, it's more so for you" said Jotaro.
"I don't want to just keep you at the hotel all day, and I don't want you out all alone"

You sighed but you understood.
Going back to school? At least things started to calm down a bit now right?

Getting to the hotel. You waved goodnight to Jotaro and walked into your room.

Getting inside.

"Ah, it's good to see you again y/n"

You looked up to see an old man sitting on the edge of your bed with a cane at hand.

"Mr.Joestar.." you said quietly.

He then soon opened his arms.

You quickly jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Welcome back sir!" You yelled into his chest.

"How are you y/n?" He asked you.

"I've never been better" you said as you let a light smile.

After the hug the both of you went to bed.

-nights sleep-

Getting up, you felt good.

You stretched your arms out, getting the most satisfying back cracking.

Letting out a pleasant sigh. You then got up to shower.

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