"Highway Go Go"

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I was going to wait a little longer to publish this, but I'm an impatient bitch😭💕

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"Why would the arrow pick you?" You heard the old man say.

Soon you dropped to the ground, and your mind faded to black.

-2 days passed-

With your eyes gently opened.

You had a heavy headache.

Getting up, you noticed that you where In your hotel room.

Looking down at yourself you noticed you only wore a black long sleeve V neck shirt.  Looking down at your chest you can see the Barrier of a ugly scare and mechanical parts.

"This is way I wear turtlenecks.." you said softly.
But you then quickly realized that this wasn't the clothes you were originally wearing. Someone changed you.

Soon you saw the door of your hotel room open.

Only to see a tall man in a white coat walk in.

"You're awake, it's about time, you've slept for 2 day's now" he said.

"I've been asleep for two days?!?" You yelled.

Soon the headaches turned to a sharp pain as you yelled.

"Here.. have some" said Jotaro as he handed you two painkillers and a cup of water.

As you took the painkillers, you then asked.

"Who changed me.." you asked.

"Well, after we found you outside on the floor, everyone was sacred, Josuke especially, he tired fixing you like 3 times without even checking your pulse" said Jotaro.

"What even happened?" He asked. 

"Oh I was shot by an arrow" you said normally.

Jotaro was a shock that you even said it so normally.

Soon it sank in.
"I WAS SHOT BY AM ARROW IN THE CHEST!" You yelled as you checked to see.

But when you did you had no scare, as if it never happened.

"Was it by the stand arrow?" Ask Jotaro.

You nodded.
"Yes, I remember getting shot, then.. the old man in the photograph.. I tried grabbing him but I passed out" you said.
"But before i did, the man said 'why did the arrow pick me' what dose that mean?" You asked him.

"I'm not sure.." he said.
"Anyways, if your worried if someone saw your arm, don't... I changed you, and just so you know.. I didn't look, I had my eyes closed half the time" said Jotaro.
" Yukako was originally gonna do it, but I know you don't like people finding out about your arm... so I did it so you can tell everyone on your own time" said Jotaro.

"Thank you" you said.

"About the arrow, it's supposed to give someone a stand.. call out your stand" said Jotaro.

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