Aerials pt2

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The deal was tempting. Ariels bit on her lower lip as she played with her nails.
"Let's do it?" She said quietly.
"YES!" You yelled happily.

As classes ended, it was time to go home.

"Are you ready?" Asked her.

"I'm... I'm having second thoughts on this! Wait what if he dosent like me?!" She said panicking.

You looked at her. You can see her playing with her long black hair as she nervously bit her nails.

"Your going to be fine, and if he rejects you... then he's missing out" you told her.

She sighed deeply.

You smiled at her.
"Go get him" you said.

You watched her from a far. As you stood behind a tree, someone was sneaking up behind you.

You quickly reacted and punched the person.

"Ow! What the hell was what for?!" You heard.

"Josuke?" You asked as you helped him back up.

"What are you doing?" You asked him.

"Well, I was going to come and get you to head to the hotel with Jotaro... but I see your busy... what are you even looking at?" He asked as he hid behind the tree with you.

"Are you spying on Akio?" He asked.

"Yes... and no" you said.
"Look, just tell Jotaro I'm not going to the hotel right after school today... I might be home a little late" you said.

Josuke was a bit suspicious about it.
"Do you like Akio?" He asked.

"W-wha.. WHAT?" You stumbled on your words.

"Do you like him?" He asked again.

You sighed.
"So what if I do?" You said sarcastically as you where checking on
You where then pulling and pinned down on the tree as Josukes tall body was towering over you.

"Josuke?" You asked as you did your best to hide your burning face in your turtleneck.

"Do you like him?" He asked a little more serious.

You didn't understand what was happening. Why is he so aggressive about it?

"No! I don't like him! I'm spying because Ariels is asking him out!" You said.

Once he realized what he did, a quickly got off of you.
He blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'll.... let Jotaro know your coming back late..." he said.
"See you later" he said as he walked away with hands in his pockets.

You were left alone with your back against the tree, you let out a breath that you didn't know you where holding.

"I told you he liked you"

You jumped to the sudden voice.
You looked over to see Ariels.

"H-how long have you been standing there?" You asked her.

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