"What the hell did you say about my hair?"

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Walking away, Josuke had a slight blush as he didnt expect it.
You sat in your chair and waited for class to start.

-class starts-

As class started. Sitting in the far back, you had your arms crossed and both legs on the table.

With your jean jacket off, you used it as a blanket for you as you watched the clock tick. Time moved slow as you practically did nothing in class, you didn't listen to the teacher. You didn't have to, you already knew the subject.
You heard a few whispers of students around talking about you.
You didn't care though, you just wanted to get the day over with.

You watched Josuke do his best on doing notes for class. Behind him was Okuyasu, all he did was play with his pencil and threw small pieces of paper at Koichi.

You sighed as you leaned back, your chair was now standing on twos.
Rocking back and fourth, you closed your eyes as you wanted to sleep to hopefully pass time.

Soon you heard your teacher yell.

"Alright class! Find a partner, you'll be writing a 4 page review on why Ethos, Pathos and Logos matters and what they could be used for" he said.

You sighed deeply.
You sat down properly in your chair as you pulled out your note book from your backpack.

You watched students get up to look for partners. Looking up, you see everyone found their group of friends while you continued sitting alone.

You didn't care, it was less of a distraction. You pulled out a pencil and opened your notebook, looking at your hands, you see how they where hidden with the black gloves.

You can feel your hands get warmer and warmer as the day went on, it was uncomfortable almost. But you pushed threw it.

Sitting alone, you began to write your essay.

-20 minutes pass-

You had about another 10 minutes left in before it was lunch.

Every now and then you would look over at Josukes group, they had there laughs. But most of the time it was him laughing and fixing his hair.

Why did he have to style it so much? He looks good enough already. You thought.

Once you realized, you quickly shook off the thought and continued to do your work.

As students sat together, they had distracting conversations while they wasted time. You on the other hand worked alone and was about finished with your 6th paged essay. Just a few minutes before the bell rang. You got up and walked to the teacher.

"Hello y/n, how can I help you?" He asked.

You said nothing, simply handed him your papers and walked away.

"Have a good day sir" you said.

You might have come off rude, but it's the only way you knew how to respond. You haven't really been around other people outside of the Speedwagon foundation. So your social skills were dramatically low.

"Hay! Y/n! What did you hand the teacher?" Asked Koichi.

"My 6 paged response" you said.

"What?! 6 pages in two hours?!" Said Okuyasu.

"It's 4 pages, you know that right? You didn't have to do 6.." said Josuke as he had a hand under his chin as he looked at you, judging you with his eyes.

"Yeah, I know... but going over gets you the better grade, and 6 pages in two hours isn't that difficult if you quit styling your hair and payed attention" you said as you crossed your arms. Giving back the sass to Josuke.

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