Look over here

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"Uh, Josuke... I gotta go" you said softly.
"Oh! Right" he said as he rubbed the back of he's neck.
"Well, see ya around" you told him.
You waved goodbye

With the button at hand. You walked to a store that can repair clothing.

Surely they would know something about the button.

Finally reaching Centipede Shoes, you walked inside.

"Hello?" You said walking in.

The store was filled with shoes.
Looking at the ones on display, you couldn't help to see if any looked good for you.

"Hello hello! Welcome to my shop!" Said a short old man.

"Hi! I was just passing by to ask you about this button" you said handing him it.

He sat down at a small table as he drank his coffee, examining the button.

"What's wrong with it?" He asked.

"I was wondering if you recognized it, you know how girls are... we have so much clothes, half of the time you don't even remember what you have in the closet" you said laughing like the Japanese school girl you play to be.

"Well... would you like some animal crackers?" The guy asked.

"Uh.. no thank you"

"Well then, I guess there's not much to say, all though I just repaired a suit that had the same button" he said.

"Oh! Thank goodness!" You said.

You pulled out your notes.
"Do you know the mans name?" You asked kindly.

"The man? Well, yeah I remember all of my clients names, it's how your supposed to treat them" he said.

"Perfect! What's his name?" You asked again and you began to write notes.

- Coat is big, hight around 175 centimeters
- Office employee, must be rich with a good suit like that
- not married, needed a shop to repair clothes

"Let me see, uh.. his name.. uh, how do you say this?" The old man asked as he had trouble reading.

"Oh, don't worry, I can write it down!" You said getting up.

"Uh, let me see..."

"Sir, really it's ok-" you stopped talking when something attacked the mans hand that held hot tea.

You let out a small scream as you didn't expect it.
The man screamed in pain, his hand was gone.

You where paralyzed as you remembered the exact same situation with Ariels.

But you quickly regained control when you saw a ball like tank appear on his arm.

"Look over here.."said the small tank.

You wanted to warn him but before you could, he saw it.

It made him scream with that the tank jumped into his mouth.
Killing him.

Soon you heard the door bell ring of someone entering the store.

You turned around to see Jotaro.

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