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In this oneshot, they are humans.

I write about both skeletons and humans.

Please stop commenting about it, thanks.

Love you💜


Dream held his breath as his brother's minions ran past his hiding place. Their loud footsteps echoed in the abandoned medical center.

Dream wasn't sure whether or not to move. If he moved he could get hurt, again. But if he didn't, they'd have more of a chance to find him. He had to make a choice if he stayed put he would have a better chance of getting caught. He had to move.

Besides, what more did he have to lose?

Dream spun around and out of his hiding place, and tried his best to book it down the hallway, but the large gash in his leg made it extremely difficult.

His left leg had a huge gash in the back, running from his knee to the middle of his calf, courtesy of Horror.

He had to get to a safe space to heal himself up and get as far away from his place.

During the chase, Dream had haphazardly wrapped one of his gloves around his leg trying to stop the bleeding.

He was almost to the next portion of the center, which Dream assumed led to a way out, when a knife hit the gash, causing Dream to cry out in anguish.

The injury had just stopped feeling like fire, now it felt like hell.

"Bullseye!" Dust shouted from across the hallway. Dream collapsed, the knife still in his leg.

He tried and failed to stand up, crawling a few paces to get away from his approaching enemies.

"Wow we really fucked him up didn't we?" Dust asked the other two as they slowly approached Dream.

"He can't even stand." Horror taunted.

"Poor guy. What's he going to do now?" Killer sneered, his blank eyes staring right at Dream.

But Dream wasn't done yet, he was not going to go down so easily. Pulling himself up, he stood up and leaned against the door.

He knew he was far too weak to properly summon and shoot his bow, so he did the next best thing.

Summoning a positivity arrow, he used this dominant hand to throw it at the killer trio. The arrow stuck Horror in the thigh, shocking the trio for a brief moment.

Using that moment Dream opened the door and fell through, Dream scrambled through, limping immensely.

Dream gripped onto his dominant hand, his own arrows even burned him. He left the knife in his leg, he had to leave it in until he got somewhere where he could heal up and contain the blood.

Dream stumbled down the hallway, despite his vision growing blurry he could clearly see a large exit sign and a set of double doors.

Dream heard the woosh of a knife behind him, he spun around and the knife barely missed his face. But the force of his spin sent him falling down, he was not going to get back up from that.

Dream held his face down against the cold floor as black spots began to fill his vision, he just waited for his imminent demise.

"What do you idiots think you're doing?!" A dark voice yelled, it echoed throughout the hallways.

"Ugh....N...Night? N...Nightmare-"

"Dream do not speak and do not move." Nightmare turned his attention back onto the murder trio. 

"Get out of here you low-life fucks, before I fucking kill you!"

Dream didn't see it, but the three teleported away almost instantly. Nightmare grumbled something before walking over to Dream and picking him up bridal style.

Dream gave out a moan of agony as Nightmare picked him up, "N...ow...Nightmare?"

"I said don't talk! You need to conserve energy. God." Dream rolled his head into Nightmare's chest, his heavy eyes closing and he drifted off before his eyelids even shut.


Dream awoke to the sound of pages being slipped and a slight hum. Dream's eyes took a couple of seconds to adjust to the bright lights.

Dream slowly brought his hand up to his face and rubbed his eyes, clearing them up. He looked to his left and his eyes met with Nightmare's.

Nightmare what sitting off to the side with a book, he set the bookmark down into his book and closed it went he made eye contact.

"Nightmare where am I?"

"My castle."

Dream made a noise before grabbing Nightmare's hand with his own. Nightmare tangled his fingers with Dream, the two didn't say a word.

"Hey Night...?"


"Did...did you send them to attack me?"

"Of course not! I don't know why they attacked you..."



"Alright, I'll believe you. How bad were the wounds?"

"Ehh... I mean, I saw worse???"

"So pretty bad?"


"God. Will I be able to stand?"

"I'm not sure..."


Dream slowly rose up, now sitting up on the medical bed. He turned towards Nightmare, and flung his legs over the bedside.

"Dream don't you dare."

"I'm not going to get off the bed Nightmare..."

"Then what are you—"

"Can I have a kiss?"

Nightmare rolled his eyes and stood up, he stood in front of Dream who looked expectantly up at him.

Nightmare ran his right hand through Dream's hair and the space between the two soon disappeared.

Nightmare felt Dream's lips tug upwards into a smile as the kiss increased in both length and passion.

A couple of moments later, Dream had been pushed back onto the bed, Nightmare on top of him, tentacles wrapping around Dream's limbs.

The two eventually pulled away from each other, Nightmare's face was red hot, blush splashing every part of it.

Dream just smiled, trying his best to hold back laughter.

"Don't laugh at me." Nightmare hissed.

"I love you Night." Dream started before wrapping his arms around Nightmare and bringing him back in for another kiss.


That's my warm up.

They're gay.

Love them or else.


-999 Words

Dreammare OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now