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If you wonder a million times on why Mark lee was a man of your dreams you still wouldnt find the answer you seek for he was certainly a god from another universe, perhaps another world over the horizon. He was one genius of a kind, the topper at school and the best student Seongbhuk-gu university ever produced, though his love for medical sciences were high they were crushed as he was forced to take over his fathers business. Mark was arregeont, picky and well indeed had a golden heart even though he wanted to smash a brick on someones head for he had no control over his anger. He would be a sweetheart one moment and the next a devil you wished you never saw but well he was here before an enormous palace like house.

"The crap Renjun did here!" Growled the handsome man as he walked his way stealthily towards the mansion.

"Mr Lee?" The head of the house hold bowed at Mark.

"Yes. Now quick with it. I dont have all the time in the world to stand and do nothing." Mark snapped at the lady who only smiled and welcomed him inside.
Fine Architecture with a dash of royality here and there, Soft yellow curtains with flooding warmth the large living room seemed so heavenly. He was taken to several floors until the lady opened the door to another living room. It had golden lace curtains with satin white inner ones, the furniture was modern, beautiful and charming.

"What would you like sir?" She smiled at him.

"Im younger obviously so just call me Mark. A glass of water would be fine." The handsome man in a tuxedo bowed as he sat down crossing his legs.

He could hear screaming, the stubborness laced in every word, the boy must seriously be such a bitch. Mark wondered how Renjun managed such a brat, but his best friend had patience so wheres the surprice.

"Sush Chenle's asleep. Did you guys meet!?" The Chinese boy squealed into the phone making Mark role his eyes.

"Dont tell me you fucked him or something." Mark hissed into the phone.

"Oh ho father in law we didnt. My babys have periods. Dont be silly Mark you know he's having a flue. By the way did you meet him?" Renjun certainly must be bouncing on bed excited for them to meet.

"I will personally throatle your neck or marry Jaemin." Mark threatened his best friend.

"You cant!!! I hate him! Well in a way I donno. But Im not ready to share you!" The Chinese started screaming. Mark hung the call with a misheivous grin.

"Oh hello dear. You must be Mark Lee. Renjuns best friend." A beautiful Thai man walked inside exhausted.

"Yes. You must be Mrs Sue? The mother of the demon inside." Mark stood up to shake the mans arm.

"I should be offended but Im not since I agree my sons demonic at times. Which Is why I had a Psychiatrist over, I do not wish to belittle your best friends talents but I see no improvement. My son likes his doctor though. Oh Im extremely sorry Im Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, You can call me Ten." Ten smiled pushing his glasses back on its freckled nose bridge.

"Woah okay. So details of your son please. I'm violent not like Junnie if I must be clear, I wont go around pampering him, Since if I get caught by my father hell would break loose." Mark lent on the window.

"As long as he gets cured. My son is Donghyuck Sue, His father calls him Haechan he is......." Ten was about to finish his sentence when things fell and shattered the screaming starting all over again.

"Let me see him." Mark walked towards the room door as he opened it.

The sunlight blinded the boys eyes making him shade his eyes as he went inside, amidst a hundred maids sat a boy that made Marks breath hitch, Fluffy red hair, big round doe like eyes, a button nose, freckles, moles and the plumpest lips ever.

"Get out!!!!" The boy screamed at Mark with small bunny like teeth, his skin was a gorgeous tint of liquid gold.

"I wont?" Mark snapped his fingers at the maids so they would leave though drooled over him.

"Mom! Tell him to get out! Have you lost it!? GET OUT! GET OUT!" The boy screamed loudly, so loud the windows would have shattered.

A very hard harsh slap was given onto the chubby cheek, it sure left a red mark on his face. Mark removed his coat as he pulled a chair and sat before as he folded his shirt sleeves.

"What is your name again?" The males voice was a tad deeper than it already was.

"D-Donghyuck." Donghyuck whimpered sniffling.

"How old are you?" The male still didnt look up to the crying boy.

"2-20." Whispered the red head his plump lips quivering at how he was treated.

"Good. You rise your voice once more at your mother or me I'd slap you twice as hard as the first. Hmm?" Mark let his eyes check the boys face, his neck and the boy that made him quite taken back at the sight before him. "Bring me the medicines that Junnie prescribed." The man asked the mother who gave him the papers.

"W-Why are you so m-mean?" Donghyuck whispered with a small voice.

"Shut up!" Mark hissed at the boy scribbling something down on the paper. "Ten if you dont mind can I get these tonight? His medicines need to change. A little higherdosing of what Junnie has given." Smiled the doctor as Ten nodded and left.

"M-Meanie." Donghyuck hiccuped at the black haired man. Mark sighed at the boys condition as he fell on his knees examining the boy in a wheelchair.

"Can you feel?" Mark whispered placing his arms on the boys thick bare thighs that revealed itself since the later was only wearing a short.

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