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Donghyuck started throwing a racket back at his mansion, screaming his head and lungs off at everyone, he didnt even listen to Jeno who had came over. It had been two whole days and Mark had still not come home.

"Son? Are you sure you are okay?" Mrs Lee patted her sons butt making sigh and face her.

"Yes Mom. Just work stress." The boy hugged his short mother.

"You arent lying to me right?" The lady squished the boys cheeks.

"No sweetheart." Mark smiled at the woman he loved too much but was now lying to her.

"Then you better stay with your sweetheart for a few days. You never come home anymore." His mother kissed his cheeks and waddled away making him smile at her. His phone buzzed with Renjuns number.

"How are you feeling?" Marks best friend sighed at the boy from the other line.

"Im fine. Im sorry." The raven haired boy sighed.

"I sent you to him so you would bring his mind back Mark not break it. You know he's a baby right?" Renjun sighed.

"Yeah Yeah whatever. He and his diapers." Scoffed the older rolling his eyes.

"You cant say no to him. Oh here Chenle wants to talk to you." Saying so Renjun left and a chirpy dolphin screamed into the phone. "HYUNG I LOVE YOU! OMG IM HAVING FUN and dont be mad at Hyuckie for long! He babie!" Chenle screamed making Mark laugh at the idiot.

Mark was the one who had walked the boy down the isle, his parents had passed on an accident so the wealth went completely to him which he was too young to handle so his dear Mark hyung did it for him. After the train of listening to how they went to Europe to how they kissed to how they shamelessly made love and so on but Mark loved the small boy too much to hurt his feelings.

"Hyung! And then I was pulled by this guy and Junnie punched him so hard his teeth shattered. Uwu! My hero! Hahaha! Oh oh he's calling for dinner! Bye! I love you muaaahhh!" With that the line went dead, Mark went down stairs for dinner as well.

Donghyuck was carried to Jeno's room that day, they having gone for dinner to his house. It didnt turn out that well but it certainly proved that Jeno was trying ti keep a shattering promise he had made years ago.

"Whats wrong?" Jeno lifted himself on his elbow ashe pushed the stray strands of boys red locks.

"Take me home. I dont wanna stay over." Whispered Donghyuck about to start crying, Jeno sighed carrying him back to his wheelchair as he drove him home.

Donghyuck didnt know how to feel, neither did he want to be kissed by Jeno yet here he was been given a big kiss on the lips. That night when Ten put him to sleep, he cried himself to sleep. For everything that Jeno's parents had said, those were daggers that cut deep down.

"Wake up bitch! I dont have all the time in the world." Marks voice made Donghyucks eyes open wide.

"Hyung!!!" The younger screamed his heart beating at how close the olders face was.

"I've cleaned you up. Now I hear of you not listening to anyone for a week! Nor have you eaten." Mark made the boy wear his boxer as he carried him half naked, the youngers arms falling limp to a side for it had no life at all.

"Pudu mished you! Why did you leave like that?" Donghyuck pouted looking up at his doctor.

"Pff as if! Dont get your hopes high. I will never miss your fat ass." Mark hissed but he still had the boy in his arms.

A barefaced messy Donghyuck with bed hair his freckles raw on his face was such a picture perfect sight, he missed him so much but didnt want to admit it. Besides he couldnt stop staring at how gorgeous this boy was.

"Ahem! Lets go you are so ugly." The older lied as he dressed the boy up and carried him away.

"Son? Why arent you taking his wheelchair?" Ten wore his glasses to see more clearly. "Where are you taking him?" The mother stood at the door.

"To fuck him! See you Ten!" Mark rolled his eyes as he strapped his patient on the passenger seat.

"Weally?" The younger innocently whispered.

"Pff your ass wont feel shit! Haha bitch seriously stop dreaming." Mark chuckled driving off.

Mark carried the paralyzed boy into a house, as a baby boy came running towards the couple with a lollipop. Donghyuck looked so afraid that he would be judged but the same pink haired boy skipped down stairs.

"Omg! He's Donghyuck? Fuck you are gorgeous. Lucas! Come here you idiot." Jaemin screamed as a giant brunette came out of the kitchen.

"Hi! This is Lucas my fiancé and thats Xiaojun his son. Im supposed to marry some Jeno but I kinda ran away with my boss. Haha I was the babysitter but I apparently fell in love." Jaemin giggled as Mark sat down with Donghyuck on his lap.

"H-Hi. I didnt come with my wheelchair." Donghyuck whispered.

"Renjun has told us, Mark isnt the sweetest thought is he?" Lucas chuckled getting a glare of the raven haired boy.

"I havent seen Mark so concerned about anyone, besides Hyuckie is prettier like this." Jaemin giggled but was given a kick by Mark.

"They wont hate you silly. Relax and be yourself." The older whispered caressing the boys waist though the younger felt nothing at all.

"Hyung......Dont leave me ever again. Slap me all you want but please dont leave." Donghyuck stared at the olders eyes, the older gulped.

"I wont stay forever. You will one day marry Jeno and have babies and you will eventually forget me." Mark rolled his eyes at the beauty before him.

"I wont hyung.......Even if I married Jeno." Donghyuck pouted at the older.

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