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Mark groaned at the mark on his neck, it stung like a bitch as he put on foundation to cover up the big bite that Donghyuck rewarded him with that morning having found that Mark had fallen asleep next to him.

"Bitch!" Mark growled at his reflection, he sighed as he walked out of his room in a red velvet tuxedo, today was a meeting with all the richest business tycoons out there. Mark hated parties with a passion.

AS night dawned, the venue started filling in, with daughters of wealthy men in half naked clothes and the food extravagant, Boys over girls and girls over boys as their parents discussed their future plans of earning money. Mark sipped his wine, leaning on a wall with his free hand tucked inside his slack pocket. Ten walked in pushing the most gorgeous boy ever, very few noticed the presence for no soul bothered for a boy like him. Mark choked on his wine at the sight, god was Donghyuck a ethereal beauty.

"Mark!! This is Xiaojun." A pink haired pretty boy skipped towards the older distracting him from the view.

"Oh hi darling. Do you like Na Na?" Mark ruffled the two year old baby who sucked on his tiny thumb and snuggled into the boys neck.

"Yesh." Xiaojun whispered smiling at the older.

"Is Mark Lee blushing?" Jaemin pulled the boy lower grinning at how a soft pink had dusted upon the boys cheeks. "I see Koeun just came in." Winked the younger, Mark fake gagged. 

"Get lost!" Hissed Mark, kissing the babys cheek and leaving without giving a fuck.

Mark found Donghyuck staring at the table filled with food, his pout glossy and kissable, Wait what? Whats wrong with Mark? He smirked poking the boys chubby cheek.

"Stop drooling, The food would get ugly." The raven haired boy took a strawberry as he pushed it into the red haired boys mouth.

"Everyone's staring at me like I don't have limbs." Donghyuck sniffled pushing the wheel chair away but Mark stopped him.

"Come with me." Mark pushed the wheelchair outside without anyone seeing, as he unbuckled the boy and placed the beauty in his car.

"Where are going?" The younger baby voiced his mind turning like a child.

"Somewhere. Sush no one would kidnap a fat ass like you." Mark rolled his eyes as his car drove through the night.

Donghyuck sighed, he should be panicking but he knew deep down this beast of a man wont hurt him though his words often hurt very much. He could see the fine details of the olders face, he was looked more foreign than Jeno, thinner, his abs weren't so huge but he sure felt huggable, sadly which Donghyuck could never do. They drove to a place that Donghyuck had never been to, in four long years. The sea. 

"You going to kill me!!" Donghyuck started screaming when his doctor carried him away towards the sea.

"Shut up bitch!!" Mark hissed walking into the cold water, the red head sadly felt nothing at all, but his doctor made sure to dip him inside several times freaking and choking the boy. 

Donghyuck  laughed, he genuinely laughed that night, as Mark carried through the shore, saying ridiculous random shit about how heavy and fat the younger boy was and all the pain in his back body. Mark strapped the boy to his wheelchair as he pushed him along the sea sand, their thoughts mingling and their little fights giving them a handful of a memory.

"I was driving the car, Papa bought it for me for my seventh birthday and I dragged him from a meeting so I could give him my first ride, I was laughing so hard at a joke he said that..... I didn't see the truck skidding towards me, I.....tried to turn, I tried so hard but everything went black and I only heard Papa scream so loud. When I  woke up, I couldn't move a muscle, I looked for him everywhere, I scream his name but Papa never came back, Mama told me he was no more, that the car crushed him to his death, I felt like my whole life came to an end. I didnt cry when I told Renjun this then why am I crying when I'm telling you? He was my best friend, my world, my everything and.......I killed Papa. I've been punished." Donghyuck cried, literally sobbed staring at a picture of a tall man standing next to Ten and Donghyuck on his shoulders, they seemed so happy in the picture. 

"You didn't kill him, the truck did, he's really not gone," Mark poked the youngers heart, "He's here safe and sound. You are here his very own Haechan, No matter earth or Heaven he sure is looking over you with all the love. You are going to be okay, You will one day walk, and I'll be standing before you so you could run into my arms. They don't really go away, they leave behind memories that they want their loved ones to cherish. I'm sure your Papa hates it when his Haechan cries. " Mark wiped the boys tears as he pasted their foreheads together. 

"W-Who are y-you? Why does this suddenly hurt so much?" The red haired sniffled his lips quivering.

"Hush now. Off you go to sleep." Mark unbuckled the boy as he carried him to bed and cleaned him up for the night.

"I'm sorry I bit you." The red head whispered pouting at the blue bruise that had begun to swell on the mans flawless neck.

"It hurts like a fucking bitch. What are you? An Animal?" The raven haired boy pulled the comforter up to Donghyucks chest.

"A rare species of Pudu's and I'm the babiest of them all." Donghyuck giggled at the older who scoffed at him and tried to leave for the day.

"Sleep next to me please? I Pudu swear I wont bite." The younger pouted making puppy eyes.

"I'm so telling Renjun this. You are a barbie doll am playing with, like bitch I don't even get paid. You bite me and I'll break your already broken neck." With the warning Mark jumped onto bed not having it in  himself to argue since he was tired.

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