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Donghyuck stared at the city if Seoul that his hospital room window overlooked, they had said they would do the Euthernization in three days, he suddenly wasnt sure, was he doing the right thing? He didnt know, he felt empty like he couldnt feel right now. Lost, thats what he felt. Would it really do good if he died? Would his absence be felt?

"Are you thinking that your absence wont be felt!?" The hospital room door flung open as Jeno stomped inside.

"Jeno?" Donghyuck gasped at how angry sweet Jeno was right now.

"You love him dont you!? Tell me Hyuck!? Admit it that you fucking love your doctor!" Jeno screamed grabbing hold of the youngers collar.

"N-No...What are you talking about?" The younger's lips trembled at how mad the boy was.

"Just fucking admit that you love Mark!! Why did you reject him!? He loves you Hyuck! I should gave tried harder but I guess failed, I tried to fix the relationship we once had, tried to fix you but he fell in love with your flaws, he wanted to marry you just as you are but you are going to kill your fucking self!? Mark would go crazy!? Some men fall in love after months but some fall unconciously and ask only once! Why are you being so stubborn!? My parents hurt you too much and Im sorry for that, I should have been more careful. Hyuckie I love you so much but I guess you love Mark more. This month and a half made you bloom like a flower when he kissed your cheek, that night he slapped you so hard and left was since he was jealous I kissed you. I know he never uses his words well but he is the best Psychiatrist out there. Please dont kill your self Hyuckie." Jeno pleaded as Donghyuck only cried louder and louder into Tens stomach, he didnt know what do or feel right now.

Mark finished a meeting, as he drove to another and then another back to his busy life style, he had little time to stop by and speak to anyone, all the meetings he had put off due to the promise he made for Renjun had only piled up. He was literally exhausted but this was his life, being the cold arregont CEO of a company.

"Sir? Renjun is here." Marks secretery informed the older.

"Im busy." The older mumbled shuffling through his papers but the short Chinese walked in gesturing the girl to leave.

"You just left like that? Did you know he tried to Euthernize himself?!" Renjun slammed his palms on the messy table.

"So!? What can I do? The deal was until you came back. You are back, so doctor and patient should see to it!" Mark gritted his teeth at his best friend.

"How can you be so cruel!" The Chinese groaned but Mark ignored him. "Mark!" Renjun swatted the males forehead.

"Get out!" Mark screamed his temper always crossing the line.

"Whats wrong with you!? Even your mother is worried sick at your condition." Renjun screamed back.

"Why do you fucking care!? All you ever cared about is your Chenle and your fucking love life! You even forgot my existance until Chenle asked me to walk him down the isle, Where were you when you cursed me to fall in love!? Where were you when I got fucking rejected!? You just want me only when you want a favor! So just fucking get out! Dont come at me pretending to care or love me!" Mark pushed the files away as he stood up, grabbing his coat and car keys, he walked out anger lacing on his veins. Renjun just sat there a tear falling off his eyes.

"Honey where are you going?" Mrs Lee noticed her son fumming out of the company.

"Leave me alone!" Mark hissed getting into his car as he drove off to god knows where.

Renjun wiped his tears having never been hurt so much by his usually cold best friend. He decided to follow Mark anyways, he was never so beastly unless something actually happened. Marks car screeched to a stop at some place that over looked the sea. He got off slipping down the car as he sat on the empty road hugging his knees.

"I shouldnt have asked him that, What was thinking? Do I really like that brat? I broke my own heart. Haha." Mark buried his head in his knees.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" The older kept cursing himself, he should have known that Donghyuck would reject him. How can someone fall in love with a person in a month and a half.

"Mark!!!" Renjuns voice made the older only grit his teeth and look away from the boy.

"Get lost Renjun!!" Mark closed his eyes sighing.

"He's been crying for you. What are you doing here?" Renjun panted getting off the car.

"Who? That rag doll who selfishly wanted to fucking die? Pff! Just leave me and my sanity alone or I'll throw myself off the cliff I swear." Mark lit a ciagrette and started smoking it.

"Mark please what happened to you? Why do you hate Hyuckie? Who have you fallen for?" Renjun cupped the olders cheeks carefully.

"N-No one." Mark rolled his eyes at his best friend.

"Im your bestfriend Markie." Renjun whispered.

"I like no one. Those feelings are fading. Its just a fling or a crush perhaps. Im so stupid I shouldnt have asked him to marry me." The older started mumbling softly.

"Who is it?" Renjun whispered staring at the olders small orbs trying to get the answer even though it was a thin line of hope.

Mark just stood up as he got into his car and sighed, he drove off leaving Renjun again, but this time on a slow pace with his best friend following him right behind.

"Are you alive or dead?" Mark mumbled his car driving away into nothing but void.

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