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"N-No." Mumbled Donghyuck as he wheeled himself back.

Donghyuck was in a wheelchair that could be controled only by his chin, which meant only his face and neck functioned. His legs were curled, his arms were limp which crushed Marks thoughts into bits.

"Fine. Now get this clear, This aint a storybook or a fairytale where prince charming comes by neither is it Be before you for your life to change. You cooperate I help. No then suffer." Mark loosened his tie as he stood up.

"You are so mean!" Donghyuck shouted.

"I'm not Renjun to fucking sugar coat my words." Mark rolled his eyes as he held the boys arm to check for any pulse.

"He is very kind. You are bad." The red head grumbled at the older.

"And you are annoying and fat." The older seemed to be in deep thought when a boy came in saying he had to change Young master.

Mark watched closely at the boy who seemed to touch the paitent in places he shouldnt, frowning he pulled Donghyucks wheel chair behind.

"Get out!" He growled as he unbuckled the boy in the wheel chair, and carried Donghyuck in his arms.

"Why did you yell at him?" The red haired whispered with a sniff.

"He's a pervert you bitch. Gosh hasnt Renjun yet found out? Fire him." Said the older as he placed the beauty in bed and tucked him in.

"Oh tell my Mama." Donghyuck smiled at Mark but he only got a frown as a return gesture.

Having gone through the boys reports Mark sighed staring at the gorgeous sleeping beauty, being paralyzed from neck below was freaking agonizing situation, and loosing a part of ones mind was another painful part. Renjun sure did have a very big heart to take this case so nicely. Mark started at his first patient, the first person he had ever attempted to do something. The reports clearly said that Donghyuck would never be able to function again.

"Junnie why didnt you tell me he's in a wheelchair! Like I cant handle this okay. I'm leaving!" Mark grumbled pacing the room.

"Mark I know but trust me he's a great guy. Please for me." Renjun begged on the other line, Bitting his lips as he watched a blonde Chenle squealing towards him under sea sun.

"No I cant do it. What do I look like a fucking nanny?! To go around feeding a fucking whimp on a wheelchair and change his diapers!?" Mark shouted into the phone making his best friend flinch and a certain boys eyes fly open with tears.

"Mark please why cant you have courage and be kind?! Not everyone is going to like how you behave!?" Renjun groaned.

"I have a life apart from carrying him around!?" The older ran his arm through his hair.

"Mark baby please just be my little idiot and help him until I come back. Hmm?" With that Renjun hung up the phone leaving Mark in frustration.

Ten watched from the crack of his sons door with the oldest maid of the house. Mark groaned kicking the chair as he pulled the chair back and stripped the boys shorts leaving him in boxers.

"I shouldnt be trying to make you walk but well fuck you!" Mark started massaging those doll like legs with prescribed oinments.

A tear rolled down the red haired eyes, as he drew in a shaky breath, he wish he felt something, just something so no one would call him a usless vegetable with no feelings. Deep down he prayed that his boyfriend still loved him just as he was.

"You havent eaten for days have you brat?" Mark noticed the younger being awake.

"W-Why do you c-care?" Pouted Donghyuck staring at the ceiling.

"Im your doctor thats why." Snapped the raven haired boy as he gave orders for food to be brought.

Mark certainly got a heart attack when he saw what Donghyuck was given to eat. Such tasteless food seriously? Throwing the plate in the bin he stomped down stairs.

"Are you leaving?" Ten followed the handsome man who shook his head and started preparing pancakes.

"Renjun said you should only give him certain food." Ten freaked out.

"He wont die." Growled Mark, Flipping the pancakes as he finished them in a jiffy and took three steps at a time to Donghyucks room.

Donghyuck was carried as he was made to sit, then his chest was tied to the head board, his big eyes bludged seeing something he used to love. He looked at Mark who had begun to feed him, his heart swelled at the slight frown on the mans flawless face.

"I need to leave now." Mark whiped the dripping strawberry syrup from those plump lips. "I'll be here by four in the morning. Yeah? Be a good boy or I'll have to slap the shit out of you." Warned the doctor once the tanned male was once again placed on the bed carefully.

"Is he good or bad?" Ten looked at Irene who chuckled watching the man leave for the day.

Mark drove his car to his company to attend the delayed meeting, pretending he was no where but just sleeping at home. He couldnt tell no one, it was supposed to be a secret, supposed to be hidden from his father especially.

"Where were you son?" Mrs Lee patted her sons tired cheeks.

"Just was at Jaemins watching Kdramas." Mark lied at the woman he had never lied before in his whole 21 years of life.

"Oh. Do go home and rest once this is over hmm?" She kissed his forehead as she went to her seat. Mark though his eyes and attention was on the presentation his mind were finding ways to get that boy back to life. Donghyuck might have been believed to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair but Mark was sure going to change it.

"Mark you are zoning out!" Mr Lee hissed at his son.

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