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"S-Stop looking at m-me." Donghyuck nervously giggled at the older who had been staring at him for the past hour.

"You make me loose my concentration." Mark curled his fingers at the gorgeous red head who blushed furiously as he shyly made his way towards his husband slow with careful steps.

"Oh really then I'll go do my doodling in our room or at the living room." The younger boy made himself comfortable on Marks lap.

"Don't......Watching you grace my house with your stubby limbs make me weak." Mark rubbed his cheeks with that of the phat chubby cheek.

"It's cold. Come on finish your work so we can have dinner." Donghyuck giggled getting off but Mark's serious face made him pout.

"Let's go to Namsan tour." The older mumbled and the younger became silent.

Namsan tour was one of the most favorite places Donghyuck loved visiting with his Papa, There were times they would sneak out at night just go there, Ten was sometimes a part of their squad but like girls first love was her father, Donghyucks first love was Johnny. That tall man was his world and he..........he was behind his death. He stayed quiet the whole drive, trying not to cry loud. They reached the tower as Mark let Donghyuck go on by himself, following silently behind.

"Papa..." Mumbled the red haired gorgeous boy as memeories he cherished played before him, squeezing his heart, he went to the to top, where they had the most their little childish moments. Where father and son ate ice cream and would giggle at random strangers, the thousand locks that hung on the railings were messy but Donghyuck knew where to find theirs.

Dear Baby Sun,

There would come a time when I would no longer be beside you, There would come a time when you would grow into a gorgeous boy and learn to live without me, Don't grieve for Papa will always watch over you from above if I'm gone. You make my world shine and one day you would make your "Special someone's" world shine, You would grow comfortable in his arms and then I would slow be a memory. But take it to your heart that I'm in you, Resting in your heart always. Take care of your Mam he's silly and a mere baby even though he acts tough, I really don't recall why I'm here writing this but If you ever find this then I wish I was still here wuth you son. 

With Love,

Papa ♡.

Donghyucks fingers trembled when he read out the tiny letter that was stuck behind the lock that his Papa and he had locked. Warm arms wrapped around the red haired boys crouched frame as Donghyuck broke into Marks chest.

"I miss him hyung!!" Donghyuck cried letting out all the feelings he bottled up for the last four years.

"Your father wouldnt want his baby sun to cry so much. Hush now." Mark ran his finger through the youngers soft hair.

"Why did he have to die?" Donghyuck looked up at his husband who smiled at him fondly.

"Honey there is a saying that says, All the good people leave sooner than the bad." The older wiped Donghyucks cheeks and lifted him up on his feet.

"W-Will you die to?" The younger pouted the cold chilly wind whoosing between them.

"Nah. I'm bad. I slap you and yell at you. So nope." Mark pulled the cry baby into his winter jacket. The beauty snuggled inside sniffling.

"I love you." A soft whisper was heard making the older boy chuckle.

"He certainly left behind a phat pudu for me to handle." Mark lifted the gorgeous boy up like a Koala.

"Awwe look at that couple!? Wait wasnt that wife of his in a wheelchair? Fuck he's alright now! Thank god!" Some were mumbling once Mark walked away with his baby snuggled in his arms.

The younger was quite upset after visiting the tower and Ten had to come over to comfort the boy. He rested his head on Tens lap with a pout. The mother patted his soft bouncy cheek.

"Stop being so sad baby. If your Papa knew he'd be sad." Ten sighed looking down his stubborn son.

"Mama what if I didnt drive tjat day?" Donghyuck whispered looking up at his mother as he placed with Tens necklace.

"Honey not always everything goes as planed. And a persons past cannot be changed. Perhaps if you changed it maybe Papa would here with us but Mark would never know you existed neither will you be married to him. Renjun wont be needed and you would be married to Jeno. God has his reasons as to why everything happens. I know you miss Papa and so do I baby, but this is reality and we have to learn to live with the pain and memories as we accept it amd move on." Ten patted Donghyuck fluffy tummy that was being showed to the ceiling.

"Life without hyung will be so......meaningless." The younger bit his lips staring at their wedding picture that hung proudly on their room wall.

"See? Lets say Papa is in a better place now. Hmm?" The mother smiled making his son get up and went downstairs.

Mark was at his study doing his company work when Donghyuck padded through the hallways. He pouted at the man who tried so hard just for him, and asked nothing in return at all. Going on his tippy toes he stood in front of the boys table.

"Stop curling yourself silly." Mark signed a few papers flipping through the pages.

"I was wondering if......if you were going to come sleep already." The gorgeous boy fiddled with his stubby fingers.

"Not now maybe in a few hours time when im done checking and signing." Mark looked up with a smile but sighed at the big glistening pout and Pudu eyes quivering at him.

"Fine! Fine! I'm coming! I'm coming. When will you learn to sleep alone? You are 20 remember?" Mark switched off his study lights after closing his files as he carried his husband like a bride and headed to their room.

"Never!" Squealed Donghyuck in delight.

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