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Noki glides through the air, landing back on the top of the tower. Philemon releases my leg and I stumble to the ground, rolling about before I get up. What I see is truly shocking however. Negatsu's human face is the last trait that makes him resemble a human. His entire body was a morphless, fade of black. He appeared to be a massive Shadow, with many different human arms and other parts shifting around his body. Other human faces could be seen in his body forming into other pieces seamlessly.

I almost puke, this was far worse than what I endured in the other dimension.

Noki appears once more, back in his human state. "This is it. I'll take the lead. Philemon and Kazuma, you two will seal the circle once I have an opening made. You two do have identical Persona abilities after all.

With that Noki flashes off without a hitch, leading the charge on Negatsu. However the shadow form instantly twists and forms to negate Noki's incomprehensible attacks. The battle is happening at an extreme speed, I'd only be able to keep up if I was using my own Persona abilities.

Philemon puts his hand on my shoulder. "Kazuma. This is going to be the hard part."

But I remember this.

The two of us summon our Personas and with blinding speed, join the fray. With every slash we create it seems Negatsu's thick Shadow-mass body deflects and descends upon every attack. There also seems to be no true weak point, including his own face. It's all a mesh of shadows and darkness. Once I'm repelled, I see Noki uses a chain summoning technique to bind down Negatsu with multiple layers. He shrieks in an inhuman form flailing wildly. Noki flinches.

"C'mon Kaz, do it!"

Philemon appears next to me in a flash. Once again, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Kazuma, I'm sorry it had to be this way."

In a flash I instinctively grab Philemon's butterfly mask from his eye hole with tremendous grip.
"No... I'm sorry. That's not how this is going to turn out."

Philemon gasps, I could see into his eyes that he was not expecting my maneuver. The chains Noki summoned can be heard snapping in the background one by one, the beast Negatsu has begun shrieking loudly.
"Kazuma hurry!--"

Noki had wide eyes as he peered at what I was doing. I grappled the mask until it completely meshed, forming into light, separating itself from Philemon. He falls to the ground immediately.

A yellow aura forms around me. I could feel immensely powerful. All the skill that Kazuma had, is now mine. I look back at Noki.

"Stand back. This is gonna be it."
Two Kakorikoto's appeared on my side, combining their bodies to form a massive cannon. Light slowly forms in the epicenter, starting as the size of a pearl growing into the size of Negatsu's beast form itself. Noki makes a massive leap away as one of the final restraints on Negatsu break free.

"Yeah. I'm gonna win again. And I'm sealing this place up the way it should be done. Fuck a bad future."

"...! Don't tell me that you..."

Negatsu shrieks loudly rushing towards Noki and I with full force, wiggling in all directions. I form a gun in my palm, mouthing one word. "Pow."

The release of the light beam completely enveloped everything in a massive stream of light. The entire tower shook with massive force for what seemed like forever. Once the light cleared, it was over, 100% done. There was absolutely no sign of Negatsu. The lifeless body of Philemon strewn to the far side of the tower. Noki put his hand on my shoulder, nodding. "Well done kid."

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