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"Mine?" What was Lady Elizabeth saying? The room was silent as if the others had simply been snuffed out. Opening my mouth to ask what she meant, Elder North spoke.

"You're claiming her?"


"You know what they will say. What that will mean for you, for her. Are you sure?"


Elder Eecho stepped forward and reached for me, Lady Elizabeth turned slightly blocking him. As his arms fell he spoke, "I am with you".

"As am I." Elder Seac said.

"Then it is unanimous. Next order of business, what shall we call the wee one?" Elder North turned with a raised eyebrow, catching the others in his gaze. Suddenly the names began to flow.

"Artemisia, Beda, Fianna, Gontilda, Griselda, Harimanna"

"Her name is Boudica" Lady Elizabeth's calm voice cut through the cacophony, "Boudica Eden Wolfe"

Just like that, I had a name and with that name, I gained more than I could have ever dreamed. I learned that I did not, in fact, know how to read, but that was quickly fixed. I also was taught mathematics, geometry, geography, history, how to speak Latin and several other languages, etiquette and elocution, and how to fight. Yes, I was busy and I loved it. It was as though they all knew their time with me was limited and they wanted me to be as prepared as possible for what my life would become.

Having just passed my sixth-year mark when life suddenly shifted again. I was upstairs in the Alpha's study returning a book that had been repaired when he and Beta O'Sullivan suddenly burst in.

"Who does he think he is demanding payment"

"He did send the missive warning you that he was coming, that's something. Many others would not have been as fair."

Neither male had seen me and since the door was ajar I hoped to slide out before either male spotted me. It was not to be, as soon as I shifted my foot Alpha rounded on me. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE" he roared. Stupefied, like my feet were nailed to the floor. It had been a long time since anyone had yelled at me like this and I was scared spitless. Attempting to get my thoughts together he snatched me up by my collar and shook me, "Are you spying on us, pup".

It was all I could so to utter "no" in a tiny soft voice.

"I don't recognize this one, to whom does she belong?" asked the Beta.

After a quick sniff, the Alpha looked at me oddly and said "She smells like the archives"

"What" With that, the Beta moved in close to me. I was regaining my senses and had begun to wiggle in an effort to getaway.

"Stop moving, before I thrash you for being where you don't belong" Alpha growled.

I finally found my spit and my voice "I was asked by Elder North to return your copy of 'The History of Pack Wolfe'. He has reset the binder and updated the birth and death records".

"Then go. Tell North that if a book is taken from here without my consent again he will receive 8 lashes." Alpha had a malicious smirk on his face as he gave me the message to deliver as if he was waiting for the response and he hoped Elder North would convey the response himself.

All I knew at that point was I wanted to be below the stair. I bowed low and moved to escape, only to be stopped by Beta O'Sullivan. "You're a pretty little thing, can't wait to play with you next time."

I did not acknowledge his comment, I just kept moving down the hall. As I reached the door to the Archives I heard the Alpha and Beta laughing and knew I would have to be extremely careful. For if they caught me again I would be in a world of hurt.

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