Part 9

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Where we were headed, I had no idea, my thoughts were scattered and fear crowded all positive thoughts and feelings. All my mind could focus on was the fact that my home, family, future were all gone. Not even the smooth gait of the stallion was enough to lure me a peaceful rest, instead, I jerked and twisted fitfully nearly dislodging me from my perch. A soft, "Stop" was all the stranger said and I froze, suddenly wide awake. "I know you have questions, your mind is practically smoking with how fast the thoughts are flying," he said I could hear the smile in his voice, it was so odd. Alpha Finnegan never spoke that softly nor had I ever heard a smile in his voice, for all that gentleness it just scared me more.

With a sigh, he began to speak.

"You are so young and know so little..."

"I read, I'm smart, just ask..." it sprang from my mouth without conscious thought.

"Bo, please don't interrupt me." At that moment the realization struck, I had spoken out of turn and that he said 'Please' to me. Honestly, I had no idea what surprised me more, all my thoughts fled as my head whipped up to stare at this male who had quietly and firmly put me in my place.

"There is so much you need to know. Firstly this is going to be a long journey, our pack is far too the West. It will take months before we get there, it will be very dangerous, and you will need to listen very carefully to me." Liam's words sunk deep. All I could do was nod, I knew only what I had read of the outside world. While many my age already toiled in the fields and had begun hunting, my being a runt and belonging to the Elders prohibited me from joining these endeavors. I was better read and educated in mental matters than most of my former pack but in a practical matter, I was ignorant.

"Starting tonight you will begin your wolf training."

"My wa.." I was confused. I was born a runt, I would have no wolf, Alpha said so.

"If you interrupt once more you will walk till we stop for camp," his words held such truth I knew he meant them. The snow had stopped but was piled around us, there was no sign of melt, nor would there be for a long time. Winter had just set in and while many had said it was foolish to travel now, Liam had simply ordered the horses and mules loaded as if he knew something they did not. Walking would be grueling and I knew that it was not something I would want to do, so quiet was the only option.

"Pack Wolfe fled Ireland Fifty years ago after their Alpha Sean Finnegan bet the pack land and lost, he was owed.."

"NO, the Alpha loves his pack and wouldn't.... AAAHHHH" my body hit the ground and the stallion never stopped nor did the rest of the train. Liam never looked back as he said: " Better start walking, no one will pick you up or slow down for you so you better keep up".
I learned much that day.

Liam did not lie. What he said he did and he was an Alpha. No one slowed down although the Elders looked down at me with sad expressions they did not defy Alpha Liam.

Do not walk behind the mules, they tend to kick out if they are startled. Mule kicks hurt.

Walking is not as easy as it would seem. The horses cleared the trail well but their steady pace was far faster than I could keep pace with and within a short time my body began to punish me for the actions of my mouth and mind. This is a lesson I would take with me to my grave, think before speaking.

I was stubborn. Though my years were few, my experience had taught me that quitting was not an option and the only way to survive was to persevere. So I just kept walking. All-day, one foot in front of the other. When the entire train passed me and the Elders looked back with pity, frustration, and fear for me. When I could no longer see the last of the train. When the sun began to fall and the moon began her night reign. I walked until his hand reached down and placed me against his chest. I had not reached camp but at that moment I knew I had reached safety and I slept.

The next morning began early before the moon had released her grip on the sky. I could hear the mules fussing and the horses' sighs, the Elders were up getting food prepared, but Liam seemed to be missing. Raising my head I realized several things at once gone were yesterday's clothes replaced with fresh pants and shirts with socks, I was laying close to a warm fire cocooned in a beautiful blanket, and I hurt everywhere. There was no way I could get out of my wrappings, yet the morning was so wonderful it pained me to break the beauty with a complaint. But my bladder was calling and the choice was no longer available.

"Morning", with that word the Elders, spun around and rushed to my side.

Elder Seac spoke first," I am so sorry little one, I failed you"

My heart broke," NO NO NO I brought it on myself for failing to obey Alpha Liam, he warned me and I did not heed his words. You did not fail me." They had not freed me from my cocoon or my arms would have been wrapped around his neck. "Uh, can you help me? I need a bush." At that the Elder Seac and Elder Eecho unwrapped me, helping me to stand and walk outside of the camp to relieve myself. Being a wolf meant that privacy was virtually nonexistent, the pack was family and the family was close. After helping me back to the fire Elder Eecho brought me a piece of bread and some cheese with a cup of water, up until this point he had not spoken only giving me such sad eyes.

"Will you forgive me for my disobedience? My failure reflects poorly on you both and.."
"Stop, please," Elder Eecho scooped me up and brought me tight to his chest there was no air between us or in my lungs when he completed his hug. "You do not need to ask for forgiveness, I wish we could have..."

"It was her mistake and her punishment to take. It's time to go, hope ya got food we will not stop till the moon again takes the sky." Liam said. With that, we finished up our meal. Hurriedly cleaned up the last of the camp and began to mount up. I stood as the others mounted, uncertain as to where I should go. Would I ride or had my punishment not ended, for I had not walked into camp? As I began to walk, stiffly, toward the back of the train away from the mules Liam called out to me "Here". Without a pause or hesitation, I turned toward his stallion and moved as quickly as I was able to his side. Quickly grabbing his hand he lifted me in front of him and covered me. "Let us begin again" 

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