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The new day found me curled at the foot of Lady Elizabeth's bed. As I stretched and yawned thoughts of the previous night's supper and how nice the Alpha was to everyone and how much food was served drifted in my head. A normal meal consisted of some poor scrap of meat, a few vegs, stale bread, and water divided up amongst the pack, while the Alpha, Beta, and a few choice others dined on the fresh meat, prime vegs, fresh bread, and wine or mead. How did this male's arrival rate such a meal as 3 types of meat, multiple vegs, fresh bread, pies, cakes, wine, mead, and ale for all? Even now as I sat out in the privy I was amazed, for I had never seen such a feast. Finishing my business, I quickly re-entered the den, going to the kitchen I grabbed the tray containing the Elders breakfast. Knowing that if cook caught me I would receive a rap on the head from her ever-present long-handled spoon, quickly I gathered the tray up and scurried down to the Archives and my family.

After our meal finished the Elders informed me that they had meetings with several Elders from nearby packs, the Alpha wanted them to collect information on how the Colonials were faring and how were's could benefit from assisting them. I was told not to go above stair until they returned, they would only be gone a day or so, provisions were on the table and a bucket had been placed in the corner for me. I knew why I had to stay hidden but still, I was curious about what else the Alpha might do with this male here. Nevertheless, I knew my place and with a kiss and a hug, from each, the Elders quit the Archive leaving me to my curiosity.

They were late, the food was gone as was the wood and the water running low. Not to mention my bucket was in need of an empty. I decided that when the water ran out I would go tend to the bucket and get more provisions. Too quickly that time came, I estimated that the Elders had been gone for four days and three nights. As I opened the Archive door I heard cook talking to someone and she said 'that she hoped he would leave soon or Alpha's generosity would cause them to starve the rest of winter'. Since cook was busy I quietly crept out of the den and dumped my bucket, placing it by the porch I then went to dig some apples and potatoes from my storage holes. Rooting through the rotten, I managed to locate several of each that was good and was headed back to the Archives when someone grabbed my collar and screamed "THIEF".

I was terrified, the sound of feet slamming down the steps and doors opening and closing was overwhelming. Suddenly the Alpha was there, "What are you screaming about?".

"I caught her with food".

Alpha looked down at me and scowled, "Where did you get those".

"I I I dug th th em up" I stuttered pathetically.

"You dug them up? From where it's the middle of winter."

"In the fall after the laborers finish the fields I go scour them and if I find anything I dig a saving hole and place it there for the winter." This time there was no stuttering but still, I was sure he had to strain to hear me.

"YOU, WHAT, you steal from your pack to feed yourself?" Alpha Wolfe's face had become a dangerous shade of red and I began to pray to the Mother Luna that I go quickly to her loving arms.

Abruptly attention was shifted from me to the strange male as he spoke, "Is this not a matter to be taken care of in the study?" he queried.

"Aye, brother. Good catch boy, take the items to cook and find this thief's stash." The young male who still had my shirt in his hand dropped me as he basked in the praise from his Alpha. "The rest of you, go back to work. You come with me." His large hand grabbing my arm in a bone-crushing grip.

Without another word, we entered the packhouse. Upon entering the study I realized the strange male had followed, too scared to truly question why all I could think was how I would never be able to tell my family goodbye. "So what do you think should be done with a thief, Liam," my Alpha asked the strange male? At his name I raised my head, looking at his chin, and thought it fit.

"I don't think she's a thief."

This threw Alpha into a tizzy, "What do you mean not a thief, she stole from her pack and admitted it in front of everyone".

For the first time, he addressed me, "You got the apples after the harvest and the potatoes too?".

My throat felt like it had been dry for months, "Yes, I waited a week after the last harvester left to make sure no one else wanted any, sir".

"You went out and picked the scraps and put them up for just you"?

"Oh NO, sir, for me and my family".

At this, the Alpha laughed," Lass you have no kin and no one claims ye. This proves yer a liar".

Tears that I had previously held back fell in waves. "I I I I ddddo have a family"

"Then where are they" oh, how I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face.

"You sent them away".

"What, LIES. Who is it that you claim as family, that I supposedly sent off"?

"The Elders", I whispered. With each volley, my words had gotten softer until I was no longer sure if I heard myself.

"Their not yer kin, they may have taken ya in but that is not family". The Alpha's smug grin was in full force and I knew that all was lost. He would finally show his true colors to Liam and I would die.

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