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Several days had passed since I had been caught by Alpha in his study and I had not returned above stairs. In fact, I did not know when I would be allowed up there, fore once I returned and informed my family of what had been said and done they were irate.

"How dare they" Elder Seac bellowed "To scare a child that way".

"Are you alright my dear" Lady Elizabeth's soft words soothed over my ears as she hugged me close to her.

"Well you are not going back" blustered Elder Eecho.

To my surprise Elder North was silent, as I peeked around Lady Elizabeth, I could see him sitting in the old wing back beside the fire surrounded by books, his head in his hands. I peeled myself away and scurried over to Elder North, "Sir, are you in pain?" The thought of him in pain made my heartache. Then I got angry, how dare Alpha Wolfe treat an Elder in this manner. They were so important to the pack and here is threatening one, he did not deserve to be Alpha. The more I thought about it the angrier I became. Suddenly I became aware of a deep growling coming from somewhere near me, I froze, then slowly looked around. Only to see the Elders all staring at me with various facial expressions. Elder Eecho, seemed confused, Eler Seac troubled, Lady Elizabeth intrigued, and Elder North satisfied. I quickly came to the realization that I had been the source of the growl and was terrified. How had that loud deep sound come from me? I was too young to have access to my wolf, that would not be possible for 10-15 more years, if at all. I was a female runt and no wolf was guaranteed to me. So how had I made that growl?

As I opened my mouth to ask, a loud rapping came from the upstairs door. Elder Eecho turned to answer as I scurried around behind Elder North's chair. "Yes. what is it"

"The Alpha needs the council of the Elders to come at once" a young voice stated.

"Did he not give any more information as to why" Elder Eecho asked.

"No, and I would not keep him waiting. In a foul mood, he is". The young male stated as he drifted from the doorway.

"Fine tell him we will be with him soon". Elder Eecho turned and returned down the stairs to collect his quill, ink, and parchment. As the others began to climb the stairs Lady Elizabeth turned and told me to stay by the fire and rest, they would return soon, and we would all dine. So I did as she bid me, curling up on the chair, sleep soon took me.

I awakened to the elders returning, stretching and yawning, I got up to greet my returning family. They seemed troubled.

"He is nothing like his father"

"No forethought or planning"

"How will the pack..."

"Enough, he is Alpha and we will abide by his decision. It is just the way it is" This was from Elder North. It scared me, what had the Alpha was done that had so upset the elders? What would it do to the pack and what would happen to the little runt?

As I moved toward them, they suddenly remembered I was in the room. As one they turned and rushed to comfort me, Elder North picked me up and set me on the table as Elder Eecho quickly moved some geometry books out of the way. Elder Seac reached for my hands as Lady Elizabeth pushed my hair off my face. All at once they began to speak and that frightened me more, for this was something they only did when angered. I did the one thing I hated myself for, I began to cry. Not those soft ladylike tears, no this was a bawl. My eyes were tightly closed, nose running, and wails as if I were in great pain erupted from my soul. I just knew I would be losing my family and I felt my soul was being ripped from my body. They froze, as if my cries made them immobile, the only sound was the fire popping and the logs shifting. As quickly as they froze that bubble burst and I was again in the arms of Elder North as he spoke gently in my ear "Hush Boudica, no one will take you from us. You are ours. Given us by the Goddess herself and we will allow no one to take you or harm you. Breathe". As he repeated this again and again, I began to catch my breath and to control my tears.

I looked around at the faces of my family, I saw their tears and sorrow. I had hurt them by thinking that they would allow me to be taken or harmed. Again my heart hurt, only this time it was for them. "Sorry I am, I know none of you would allow me to be taken or harmed. But when you mentioned the Alpha"

"No more, will not we discuss this now" Lady Elizabeth firmly stated. "No one knows exactly what my son will do so until then we must wait and advise him as best we can. Worrying and wailing will get us naught".

That quick, the anger and my tears were gone, the emotional balance was restored. "It is best we dine then retire early. I have a feeling that my son will request our presence early." As one they rose, with Elder Seac picking me up and packing me to the dining table. The bread, cheese, little bit of meat we were allotted waiting for us. Quietly and swiftly we dined, all of us just wanted to be in our own company this eve, for we knew not what would come of the next few days.

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