Part 19

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True to their word my classes began the next day and I was passed around like a canteen. The days turned to weeks as the ground grew rougher and more mountainous. We were finally getting to our destination, where I would grow old happy and loved amongst my family. The day was bright and warm the rain that had plagued us the last week has gone. Stopping early so everyone could dry out and have a hot meal, Uncle Liam had taken several of the men out to hunt leaving the rest of us to set up camp. Several days ago I had been told that we had entered Cheyenne territory/Crow territory they were the main tribes in this area and the land shifted as the two groups waged war for the game and water. Uncle Liam told me that, although he had never had a problem with either tribe I was never to venture out alone and to pay attention to my environment if I heard that one more time.

So it was no shock when I was out wandering the edge of the camp collecting firewood when a shadow startled me. Jerking my head up I squealed like a stepped-on puppy, dropped my armload of wood, and fled toward the center of camp. Each evening my males had taught me to defend, evade, twist and turn, and run like the wind. I took those lessons to heart and used them all, making it back to the sleeping mats I was meet with laughter, "What were you told about paying attention?" Grandpa asked.

"To always know who and what is around me, not just for my safety but for that of my pack," I repeated the mantra that I had just broken. I had broken a promise to myself and it was painful. "Please forgive me, I have failed you and that is not acceptable I will accept any punishment you deem fit."

Grandpa's eyes told me all I need to know, he was saddened by my lack of attention. I needed to show all my pack that they could count on me to protect them and that they could rely on me to do my part. "We will wait till Alpha Liam returns and he will decide on your punishment."

"Yes, sir". I had quickly gone back to work, making sure to pay attention to who was where and what was going on around us. Finishing the fire and beginning to set out clothing to dry I suddenly realized that the birds and squirrels had gone quiet. "Grandpa", I called out in Greek. "We have visitors coming in from the West. Might I suggest we contact Alpha."

From the woods to my right I heard "Aye".

Never looking up from the clothing, I sensed when the six braves entered our camp. No one spoke as I stood up and faced the males. "Welcome, how may I help you." I continued to speak in Greek. Imagine my surprise when the brave nearest me spoke.

"Where is He who fights as Wolf?"

I was caught flatfooted and just stared at him. What part of him thought I spoke English, heck he spoke great English, how did he know English, the thoughts kept coming at lightning speed. Also, my mouth was hanging open, Uncle Sten stepped up from behind me and gently pushed it close. "Sleeping Bear welcome, so happy you found us. We had wondered if we had missed your party."

"The little one seems confused, does she not speak English?" Sleeping Bear asked.

"She speaks many languages I myself have been teaching her the language of the Iroquois people." Uncle Sten bragged. He had not taught me any of the language, he was awful, the warriors who traveled with us had taught me and as they left one by one I knew I would always have someone out there who would help me. The one remaining warrior rolled his eyes at Uncle Sten's comment.

Sleeping Bear seemed to catch on to the subtext of our conversation as he said, "Yes, you always were good with words". At that, I had to giggle.

"Where is He who fights as Wolf, Mouse Catcher." Sleeping Bear asked for a second time.

Upon hearing the name granted Uncle Sten I had to speak, "Mouse Catcher, Uncle Sten is there a story there, when can I hear it".

"Not now we have important business to discuss and you are too young", Uncle Sten huffed or should I say Mouse Catcher as that is what I would be calling him from now on.

Before I could speak again the hunting party returned and I moved toward Uncle Liam, "We have guests, sir. Sleeping Bear and his party are gathered around the West side of the fire. May I begin to prepare the meat? The veg is already near done." I was rambling and not looking at him, knowing if I did my heart would break.

"We will discuss it after they leave." Uncle Liam said softly as he rubbed his hand down my hair to rest on my shoulder. That hand weighed hundreds of stone. Nodding my head I moved to get the meat ready for dinner and to begin prep for preserving it before I lost the light.

Sleeping Bear and his party joined us for the night, sitting around the fire eating our food and discussing this and that. I went about my chores quietly and quickly, I was in enough trouble and did not want more. When I had done all that I could for the night and with my sleeping mat calling I laid down to retire for the night. "Bo, we need to discuss what happened today."

"Yes, sir." I kept my eyes down and my voice humble. "I failed to pay attention to my environment and to surroundings. I allowed someone to sneak up on me and it could have endangered my pack. Alpha Liam, I have failed my pack and myself, what is my punishment?" I was not scared nor afraid for I knew my family would do me no harm, instead, I was filled with guilt that due to my lapse someone could have been harmed.

"Oh Bo, you are so young to feel this much pressure. You will not be punished but you will have extra lessons on listening and naming sounds. I was told that you were the first to sense Sleeping Bear and his party." Uncle Liam had gathered me up in his lap as he sat next to my sleeping mat cross-legged on the ground.

"Yes, sir. They were not attempting to hide their presence and were rather loud." I answered.

"Yet you were the first to hear them and alerted the rest of the pack. The studying is paying off, keep it up." His response made my heart bloom. Some of the guilt lifted and for the first time in hours, I was light again.

"Let us retire and start again on the morn." Uncle Liam announced as he rose after tucking me in for the night. As he moved to lay between me and the strangers, I knew that even though they may be friends my family did not trust them fully.

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