Part 18

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Upon opening my eyes I remembered I hate mornings. Once again it was quiet but this time the room was rather empty. As I rose I began to realize our bags and personal item were gone, this knowledge made me jump up and run to the door without paying attention to what I was wearing or the environment. Just as I made it to the door in all my haste, it opened into my face. Slamming my back into the dirt floor, knocking the breath plumb out of me. "SSSSHHHEEEE, don't die Lima will kill me." The voice I recognized as Uncle Sten's said.

"OOOWWWW, I'm not dead." I managed to wheeze out. "OWOWOWO, don't do that". In his impatience to check me out, he jerked me up and gave me a hard hug. Dropping me as I hollered I again lay on the floor attempting to catch my breath. This is the way Uncle Liam, Grandpa, and Papa found us.

"What is going on here?" Grandpa said as he rushed over to me gently setting me on my feet and running his hands over me to see where I was hurt.

"In my blind scramble to see where everyone was, I ran into the door, as Uncle Sten opened it," I explained holding my nose.

"Ya called me yer Uncle Sten", his voice was heavy and he seemed truly honored.

"That is what ya are. OH, I'm mad at all ya'll! Why didn't anyone tell me that I would see mother and father or meet my wolf?"

Four voices answered.

"Met who?","Your wolf?","Ya saw ya ma?","You saw Anlon?"

All I could say was, "Ya". Not knowing what else to say I followed that up with "Did I miss break of the fast?"

My males laughed and told me "no", food was waiting on me though we needed to hurry as we were leaving soon and Otetiani wanted to say farewell and give me some gifts. Turning toward the table, I saw a plate and dashed over to recklessly inhale the meal. Unfortunately for me I overdid it and choked once again scaring poor Uncle Sten and causing Papa to have to pound my back. Uncle Liam seemed to think it funny as my face went bright red and my breath fled. Grandpa cuffed the back of his head and told him to stop, we all smiled at the look on Uncle Liam's face.

Seeing I was finished, Grandpa picked me up and toted me out the door and across the village at a fast pace. The sun was not high but climbing fast and we had places to be, so I understood his speed. Otetiani stood at the entrance of his lodge with several warriors and Fawn in the Meadow. "So Grey Wolf did you enjoy your spirt walk?" I looked around for who he was speaking to only to discover that after Grandpa had put me down he and the rest had stepped away, leaving me alone to face Otetiani.

"Who is Grey Wolf?"

"It is the name you will be known by, by my tribe. Answer the question."

"I did." Now willing to share for it still felt close to my heart.

"And did you get the answers you sought." His voice was not as light as it had been yesterday.

"I don't know what you expect me to say, I'm a child." This caused a ripple of laughter as my words were translated. "I saw my parents and met my wolf."

Otetiani smiled and raised his hands out to his side he began to speak, "Welcome Grey Wolf of the Forest our newest warrior." The tribe has assembled when I had was not watching, their yells of welcome and chest-beating, while alarming, made my tiny heart swell. How had this happened, I wondered, how had I a runt born with no family or future come to have all this in such a short time?

I waved Uncle Sten over and climbed upon his shoulders, "Thank you for this honor. I will do my best to never let you down."
"That you should for you are to be a great warrior, soon you will leave but you will return on your 13th Birthday to me for training." Then he moved to allow Fawn of the Meadow to take his place. Climbing down I stood facing her.

"This is a bow from the mighty Hickery whose branches shield us and protect the tribe. May the bow protect you. These are your arrows made of the Dogwood they will fly straight and true as long as you stay true to yourself, remember where your roots lie." With that, she stepped away and my males stepped up behind me. As one they said, "We will train her well and she will be returned her on her 13th Birthday."

Hours later we stopped for the night. Though it had only been a few days it seemed longer as we all reacquainted ourselves with the camp rituals. The one major difference this time was we had several additions to our pack. Uncle Sten has said that there was no way I was going to escape him now that he had found me, I didn't mind that at all. Also, seven of the tribe's warriors asked to join us they were young and restless males looking for the next horizon. We enjoyed their company so all was well.

As it was the first night of this journey I had to ask, "How long till we get home?"

"Which home to you speak of, Bo?" Uncle Sten asked.

I was confused, my home is with my family I just wanted to know how long to the end of the journey. "Ours'" I knew my confusion was echoed in my voice.

"Bo your home is with us you will not be returning to Pack Wolfe. I thought you understood that." Papa said.

I could not help it I laughed. I laughed so hard that I fell to the ground and rolled around. This alarmed just about everyone. When I finally managed to catch my breath, "NNNooo, you miss understanding. I want to know when we will end the journey at the place that Uncle Liam has prepared." At this, a smile rounded the camp as everyone caught on to the reason for my glee. "Ya'll are silly."

I returned to my task of gathering wood having forgotten my question.

As dinner was being cleaned up and the nightly chores completed Uncle Sten came and sat beside me as I rolled out my sleeping mat and prepared to sleep. "This will not be an easy journey. The trip from Wolfe to here was very easy and rather safe. Not anymore." Before he could say more the rest of my males arrived.

"He is right, the rules always apply and you will have much time for training and your schooling." Uncle Liam stated, unrolling his mat.

I had hoped that my break would continue a while longer but hey it was a way to pass the time. "Tomorrow we are back on the schedule," Papa said and with that, we all stretched out wished each other a good night and drifted off to sleep.

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