Part 14

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I had long ago lost count of how many days we had been journeying. Last evening Alpha Liam had told us that we would be entering a village today, it marked the half waypoint. Of course, I had questions.

"Where are we"

"South West of Erie, South East of Michigan. The village is a fur trading post. There will be many people coming and going so stay close, stay quiet."

I still had no idea where we were but as long as he knew I wasn't afraid. "Who lives there?"

"Several tribes use this village, anyone who has anything to sell or trade will come here."
While Alpha Liam was patient enough to answer my questions I knew by the tone of his voice it was time to leave him alone. The Elders, on the other hand, they were fair game.

"Elder Eecho, have you ever been here before?"

"Yes, years ago. I am excited to see if it has grown."

"What about you Elder Seac?"

"Yes child, I too have traveled here. Thought like Elder Eecho it has been years since I cast my gaze upon the village."

Before I could ask another question, Alpha Liam, pull us to a stop turning to face us, "Bo you can not us by our titles here. Humans do not need to know who or what we are. From now on when we are not in our pack territory you will call me Uncle Liam and them Grandfather or such."

My mouth fell open, I was going to call Alpha Liam Uncle? The Elders Grandfather? My poor brain fritzed. Seeing this Elder Seac stepped in.

"Boudica, Bo. I always hoped you would seek to call me Grandfather and I know that Elder Eecho feels the same." His voice quivered as he spoke. "Would you do me the honor of calling me, Papa?"

At this point Elder Eecho popped in with," Call me Grandpa?"

My heartfelt as though it would beat out of my chest or just burst. So many thoughts filled my head I did not know how to get them all out. So instead of a calm answer, all I could say was a soft "Yes". With that, the dam burst and my feelings came pouring out. "YES, YES, Oh yes. You don't know how long I have longed to call you papa and grandpa." Throwing myself from Grandpa's saddle and into Papa's arms. "I have grandfathers." I squealed, happiness flowing free with every breath.

"What about me? Don't Uncles count?" The deep bass voice that had scared me so much when I first heard it sounded out. But now instead of fear the emotion it garnered was love. Alpha Liam, no Uncle Liam, had proven to be a male who I could rely on, someone who would care for me, teach me, and ensure my safety even before his own. He had brought his stallion close and I used that closeness to crawl into his arms.

Closing my eyes, a smile beaming on my face, we continued our ride to the village. A short time later I was awakened and reminded about their titles. My heart was so full and my emotions riding so high that there was no time or energy for fear of this new environment. I had learned my lessons well and would not disobey Uncle Liam. With my head, a buzz, my heart full, and my stomach empty we rode into the village of Midway.

There were people everywhere, more people than I had seen in my entire life. Small, tall, round, sticky, old, young, and some female but mostly male there were pelts laid in piles everywhere I looked. It was amazing that there were that many animals even alive much less more out in the wild. As I was looking around I became aware that we were being studied and suddenly I feel like prey. While it was a feeling I had known all my life this journey had given me strength and while before I accepted the feeling and has simply tucked my head down and hid, now I lifted my head and refused to hide. This did not go unnoticed by my family nor the males who now watched us with predatory eyes.

Going to a small shack in the middle outside of the village, Uncle Liam dismounted and call out "Anyone about?"

There was a rustling and the door was thrown open to unveil a large dark male whose eyes were a pale blue, they nearly glowed in the light. "Whose you think you are to pound on my door like that"

"I brought you coffee, flour, and a pound of sugar." Uncle Liam answered, in a voice that showed so much annoyance that I felt he might punch the dark male. "So we gonna stand here all day?"

"Why you got someplace to be?"

Did this male want to die? Uncle Liam was an Alpha male, even at my young age, I knew that it was dangerous to make him mad, yet this male seemed to have no fear.

"Well." Uncle Liam turned and as he did the dark male exited the shack and nearly fell from my perch on the saddle. He was huge, towering over Uncle Liam easily looking the Elders in the eye as they sat upon their mounts. When his eyes found me I froze but did not look away.

"This her?" His voice gentle and quiet as if he was afraid he would spook me.

"Ya", Uncle Liam never looked at me as he began to dig through one of the packs strapped to a mule.

"You found her, actually found her." Why was he amazed? I had not been hiding.

"Ya, now help me unload yer supplies so we can get settled for the night. We'll rest here a couple of days, do ya will have time to speak to the lass." With that, the dark male moved away to do as Uncle Liam bid.

Later that night as we all sat down to eat the dark male folded himself next to me with his full plate. "Names Sten Anker"

Before answering I look to my family. With a nod of Uncle Liam's head and a smile from the Elders, I stood and answered "Bo Wolfe", looking into his face, "It is nice to make your acquaintance".

Taking my small hand into his mitt, he kissed it and replied, "Miss the pleasure is all mine".

My discomfort level soared. Seeking Uncle Liam's face for help, I was amazed to find him smiling. What was going on, confusion bloomed.

"Eat now talk later." Was all the help I was going to get from Uncle Liam right now. The only sounds heard for a while where the sound of eating but before too long dinner was finish and the evening chores finalized. Now was, what I hoped, time for answers.

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