Part 20

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Morning, oh that hateful foe, again came way too early. I was deep in my routine when I found myself surrounded by Sleeping Bear's braves. I had begun to clean up from the breaking of our fast when it happened. Putting away the last of the meat that I had dried in the fire last night moving about getting ready to break camp when three braves pinned me in. "Can I be of assistance?" I had been taught manners and how to use them.

"You cook good", the tall brave with the eagle feathers said. I had asked Uncle Liam about them and he said it meant he was a fierce warrior.

"Thank you, please let me finish." Manners matter had been drummed into my ear by Lady Elizabeth.

"You come home and cook for me", he stated as he moved to grab my arm.

"No thank you. I prefer to stay with my family." This had gone on long enough. Leaning left only to quickly fake right and take off running straight to where my family and Sleeping Bear were sitting. The braves in hot pursuit.

"Grey Wolf in the Forest why are you running?" Sleeping Bear queried.

"I was wondering the same", Uncle Liam said.

At this point, the braves were standing along Sleeping Bear and had gotten his attention. They seemed to be arguing and the brave with the eagle feathers was mad. "I will give you 5 horses for her." He stated forcefully at Uncle Liam.

My jaw dropped, what was he on about? My eyes snapped up to Uncle Lia who had suddenly gone all Alpha male. "She is not for you."

The brave wasn't having it. "I will be a good provider she will stay with my first wife till she reaches womanhood. She will give me many fine sons." He was so sure of himself. As if my family would surrender me with little to no thought.

"No, she is not for you." Uncle Liam repeated. Moving me to stand behind him. I found myself surrounded by my family and with no way to see, much to my disgust. "She is already spoken for."

Well, that was news to me, then I decided that was what Uncle Liam was saying to avoid a fight. I was OK with that, didn't want any member of my family hurt by this jerk.

"Who is he, I will fight him for her. Winner gets her loser dies." WOW, he's bloodthirsty. At this point, Sleeping Bear got in the brave's face and they speak so quickly we could not begin to comprehend, even Uncle Liam was having trouble.

"No more, Striking Eagle. You have received your answer. Go!" Sleeping Bear commanded but as Striking Eagle began to turn and Sleeping Bear returned to face us, it happened. Striking Eagle drew back his tomahawk, moving to strike Sleeping Bear. Yet before he could bring his arm down, Papa snatched the tomahawk and sank it into Striking Eagle's neck. For a few seconds, no one moved, only when the body hit the ground did we react.

"My deepest apologies, my friend. I am shamed by his actions and in your debt." Sleeping Bear's head hung low and his voice was sorrowful. "You will use my name for a peaceful passage to your home." With that, he joined his braves, who had picked up the body of their companion, and left us.

"What just happened?" I was stunned by the turn of events. At my voice, the pack all turned to look at me. "Well, what happened?" Why was no one answering me?

"Bo, that brave wanted to make you his wife, he offered a large price for you. When I told him no, he got angry. When Sleeping Bear told him no he attempted to strike him with his tomahawk, but Seac struck killing Striking Eagle." Uncle Sten said as he knelt down to be closer to my height.

"I understand that I was standing right here. I want to understand what Sleeping Bear was talking about when he said he was in our debt." They were so silly sometimes.

"Uh Bo, are you OK?" Grandpa asked. I could not figure out why they seemed so concerned, I had begun my life with an Alpha who beat and maimed pack members for the slightest infractions. Blood did not faze me.

"I am fine but why is he in our debt, he was not the one who offended." I needed answers.

"No, but he brought Striking Eagle here. A leader is responsible for those they lead. While he could not foresee this he is still honor-bound to make it as right as he can. This act brought dishonor on his leadership." Uncle Liam explained.

"That I can understand. That is why I try so hard to be perfect." I said looking into Uncle Liam's eyes.

"What do you mean," Uncle Sten asked. As the males looked about at each other in confusion.

"You brought me here and how I act is a reflection on you. Your a great male and Alpha I want others to look at me like they look at you. So no mistakes." I say puffing my chest up. To look as big and bad as I can.

Uncle Liam smiled a huge smile, "Oh little one, you make me so proud. I make plenty of mistakes each day and learn from them. It is mistakes in our lives that we learn the most from and can often have the best lessons and rewards."

"They are also some of the best adventures," Uncle Sten said. While the others gazed off seeming to remember some of their better mistakes, smiling.

"So I don't have to be perfect and try so hard all the time?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Nope, just keep doing what you are doing and that is enough," Grandpa said.

"But you just told me I didn't have to be perfect all the time and can make mistakes," I started scratching my head in now total confusion.
'Do I have to keep trying to be so perfect or can I make mistakes and it be OK"? My brain was beginning to hurt.

"Oh stop messing with the child," Papa said. "Just do your best and learn from your mistakes. Don't take it so seriously. Study hard, work hard, and listen to your elders and you will be a great Alpha someday." Giving me a big hug as he turned and went to mount up for the day.

As I took my seat in front of Uncle Liam I pondered what was said and decided that for the rest of my life I would work to make these males proud of me. Nothing but my best would do.

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