Part 17

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I was in a field, on my back with the butterflies were fluttering over my head. OOOOO, pretty. Laying there I began to look around, the sky was full of stars and the moon was so close and bright it hurt to look at it. Sitting up I realized I was not in the village but in a meadow, somewhere. Rising to my feet, looking around from this new hight I could see that the meadow was ringed by woods behind me and a river in front and to the left of me where the river and wood met was a cabin. It was like the ones of the Wolfe pack had not like the lodges in the village, as I moved towards it the door opened and a male stepped out. I continued closer, unafraid. As I neared the male caught my scent and started toward me hollering back to the cabin, "She's here she's here". Out of the door came a female who took one look at me and burst into tears, "You're here" she sobbed.

I turned to look around, "who is you?", I wondered. I was rather confused but my feet just kept taking me closer, when we were within a few feet of each other this strange female launched herself at me hanging on like a leech. Her sobbing deafened me allowing the male to come up behind me and latch on. Effectively making me some weird child sandwich.

"I just can can can not believe you are really here", she stammered out.

"Aw honey I told you she would be here when she was ready", the male said trying to comfort her.

"Ummm, can you tell me where here is? An who ya'll are?" Part of me wondered why I was not terrified instead of being calm.

"We are your parents." This calm statement sent my head spinning. Wait a minute! These people are DEAD!

"WHAT! You're dead. Am I dead?" While I started off screaming by the end I could barely hear myself. My brain began to flash through my life then all the things I had wanted to do, like grow up and see some of those cities from the books I had read.

"No no no no your not dead, oh child your just on your spirit walk." My mother said.

"My what?" I was 7 what did she think I had been doing since she left?

"Did they not explain what was going on or what would happen?" My father asked, confused and his anger seemed to grow.

"No one explained what was going to happen. Uncle Liam took me to see Otetiani at the fire ring, Fawn in the Meadow forced a drink down my throat, then some words were said and I woke up here. Where is here and why am I not afraid."

My parents looked at each other and then down at me. "Well, you are in the spirit realm on a spirit walk. Here you will find your spirit guide and possibly your task in life." Mother said.

"Do you have any questions for us before you roam around and find your guide?" Father had a sad quality to his voice. It made me wonder if I had failed to do something.

"Why?" It was the only thing I could think of to ask.

" Why what?" Mother seemed confused.

"Why did you not want me?" Tears had gathered and were threatening to flow.

"Sweet child, no. Don't you ever think you were not wanted! You were all Anlon and I ever wanted or dreamed of. When my heated stopped after one day we knew. After a week your Father smelt your sweet lily scent and we knew that our sweet angel was female. An Alpha born female who would be so strong and so feared. We had made plans to go far to the West and up to the cold forests of the Seal shifters where you would be safe and we could train you. But we had to stop in a village to trade and get horses for the trip, a pack of rogues spotted us and wanted our pelts and supplies. We needed those supplies but we knew it wasn't really the supplies they were after. Rogues just love to kill for the mere joy of it. Your father gave his life to protect us and allow us to get away. I made it to Otetiani, he gave me a place to regain my strength and wait for your father. When I felt him die it broke my heart but my body protected you as did my wolf. We left and made our way to Pack Wolfe and Liam. Only when I got there a female told me that Liam was banished and had gone West, much to the dismay and sadness of his mother. It mattered not at that point as I was in labor. That she-wolf helped me birth you then ran and got Anlon's mother, I was dying and knew if Sean knew who your parents were that he would kill you so I left when I heard them getting close. When I saw you in Lady Elizabeth's arms my wolf began to falter and my heart began to give up, but I couldn't die too close or they would know I was your mother. So I ran leaving you with the best chance I could." Her tears were flowing like a creek in full spring thaw. Father had her shoulders in his grasp and his forehead pressed to the side of her head whispering to her. I was relieved that they had wanted me but saddened that Fate had seen clear to separate us.

"That is good. I wish that Fate had had a better road for us." Both turned to stare at me before smiling and laughing.

"She sounds like you Anlon, so full of logic and learning."

"Bet she will fight like you. A master of her beast and full of righteous fury."

"Could you see how I was treated?" This question hurt more than the first, especially after knowing that I had been wanted.

"Yes, we will always watch over you", mother said smiling sadly.

"Good to know I will never be alone." As a shifter this might be a weird thing to say but as I was 7 and without a wolf this made me feel safe and happy.

There was a growl and my parents' head jerked up pulling me behind them. As I felt pulled to go toward that deep bass sound. Tearing out of their grasp I moved toward the sound. All my parents could do was hold each other and call out to me their love for it was time for our goodbyes and for me to find the source of that beautiful sound.

I wondered for what felt like hours around the meadow, every time I thought I was close it moved away yet I never heard movement nor felt anything move. Yet I never gave up and finally received my reward, sight of the most magnificent wolf every created by Luna. Oh, Goddess what a sight. Then it turned toward me, I froze. "Come here", sounded in my brain. With the trust only a child can have I ventured forth. Coming to stand in front of the mammoth Beast. Reaching up to stroke it's fur it leaned down allowing me to scratch being its ears and under the chin. After a few moments of such joy and happiness, the wolf spoke again. "Do you know who I am, child?" it asked.

Not considering my words at all, " A spirit?"

I had no idea what to expect but gleeful chortles were not it. "Yes, I am a spirit. Anything else?"

At this, I was confused my head had begun to hurt and my body was getting very heavy. "You are my wolf. When will you join me?"

A smile cut the face of this magnificent Beast. "Now child. From now on we will be together. You will not shift but together we will train and prepare for the future. In time we will change everything. For now sleep, the potion is wearing off. When you wake we begin."

With that, I slumped to the ground and failed to feel the loving hands that placed me on the sleeping mat and covered me with the soft deerskin blanket, whispering an "I love you", and giving me a good night kiss. In my dreams, I returned to my parents to get cuddles and play with their wolves. We spoke not for words were unnecessary, but as I felt the sun warm my face I heard "Remember we love you and we will always be with you".  

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