Part 15

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Morning came quick, last night after finishing dinner and the nightly chores I had hoped to get some answers. Unfortunately for my curiosity, Uncle Liam simply reminded me of the rules and sent me off to the loft to sleep while the males gathered around the table smoking and drinking. I had drifted off to the sound of their laughter and the scent of tobacco.

As our norm we were up before dawn, gathering around the table seemed to be the thing to do as we didn't need to care for the animals. Out of habit I tended the fire and began to gather items to break our fast. I did not think to ask what anyone wanted moving purely on routine, so you can imagine my surprise when I was told to stop.

"What are you doing child?" that strange voice asked.

Spinning around, "Fixin' food". I did not realize how my voice sounded until I saw the smirk on Uncle Liam's face. Then I felt my face get hot, "Apologies", knowing this large dark male could easily squish me. How could I be so rude?

"Just stop. Otetiani has asked us to break fast with him. To ignore this invitation would no be advisable." With that, he turned obviously expecting us to follow.

Uncle Liam bent down "Remember the rules". Standing, he exited the shack with us following behind Sten Anker like a bunch of ducks.

Walking through the village was magical to me. My entire life had been lived in the den of Pack Wolfe, never had I ventured beyond the wood's edge, my knowledge of wolves limited to those who lived within the den. Well, up until Uncle Liam -- my heart jumping a little at the word Uncle -- gathered me up and we started this journey. Here and there were humans and wolves, it was everything I could do not to raise my nose and scent the area. Instead, I studied my surroundings, using the lessons from Uncle Liam. Where were the buildings, how were they arranged, who was out and about, what are my exits, etc. The night before we entered I had been made to scent a tree that had been marked by all my males. If we got separated I would go straight there, if the worst happened.

It seemed like a long walk but in reality, it was only a few moments. We entered an area with a large sitting ring with a cooking fire in the center off to the right was a shelter similar to the den. Sitting in front of the door on a large chair was a male, who I assumed, was Otetiani. Never opening his mouth he waved his arm bidding us sit, Sten then Uncle Liam, me on his lap, Papa then Grandpa were all on the left with several others across from us on his right side. I kept my eyes on their chins, head down, mouth shut, and butt still yet was calm, how odd. No one spoke until the food had been passed around and the cups filled before anyone ate Otetiani raised both hands and spoke. I did not understand a word of it yet the way he spoke was pure poetry, I hoped that Uncle Liam could teach me this beautiful language. After speaking for several minutes the males raised their cups and drank then the eating began. After Uncle Liam ate he pushed the plate towards me to finish it, though I was very hungry I remembered the lessons from dear Lady Elizabeth and ate slowly and kept my clothing free of food. As I ate I failed to keep track of the conversation so imagine my surprise when I was placed on my feet next to Uncle Liam and told to go stand next to Otetiani. After a small push, I quickly made my way over and with my head bowed, back straight, hands behind my back.

"Doesn't look like much" the voice did not match the body. It was light and airy as if the speaker was so happy his voice was going to float away. It took everything in me not to look him in the face. "What do you call it?"

"Boudica", Papa said.

"My name is Bo" I replied. Shocking myself.

"Oh it is, is it? Um-hm, it seems like the mouse has teeth." He declared. "Good, she is going to need them. Have you told them where you are taking them or why?"

"We have spoken. But the little one is too young. She will be told in time." Uncle Liam said.

Otetiani did not look impressed, in fact he looked mad. "No, later might be too late. She needs to know the basics now. She needs to know why she is no good there but great here." While they were speaking English I was still confused and becoming chilled as I stood beside the odd male who eyed me as if I would vanish if he glanced away.

After a few hours of them bickering back and forth a male on the right side interrupted. "She blue", he stated. With that, all heads turned towards me. My knees were locked and I was continuing to recite my French lesson as well as answering the conversion that was happening in Spanish somewhere behind me. Off in my own little world I had lost track of time and had forgotten a very important rule, NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU ARE. Even though I trusted my family not all these males were family and I had lost track of that. Suddenly plunged back into reality, my brain registered the danger as my knees went soft and I sank to the ground. Out of the building burst out a tiny female who rushed out and gathered me up. In that beautiful language she began to buffet the male with angry words. With whatever being said she huffed at him and carried me into the building. Once in she slammed the door, trotted over to the fire, and deposited me on a mat. "Stay" was the only word she spoke to me as she left me to warm. Not quite sure what to do or say I remained still and quiet, outside I could hear yelling. "Here" this female was catlike, she just appeared. Looking at what she had thrust into my hands I found an amazing outfit. It was deerskin breaches with a coarse shirt and traveling moccasins, the kind I had seen worn by many of the males in the village. "Come" once again with one word she got her point across. She turned to leave and waved her hand for me to follow. Conflicted was not something I expected to feel, one part wanted to know what she was going to show me while the other knew that Uncle Liam would not want me going off without his knowledge or approval. As I looked at her then at the door she understood and marched over to the door throwing it open and yelling something at the gathered males, within seconds Uncle Liam filled the doorway. "You did well. Bo, this is Fawn on the Meadow she will take you to bathe. Listen to her she will bring you back." With that, he returned to his seat and the conversation.

The cave she led me too was large, warm, and well used. Many females and children were lounging about the rim while others splashed in the pool. A few males were there tending children or sitting in a quiet alcove cuddling with their mate. In another large area below this pool were several smaller pools that seemed to be used more for bathing or simply privately floating. Here away from the crowd were one or two people bathing. Fawn on the Meadow motioned for me to remove my clothing and to get in. So I did and it was wonderful. The only weird part was when she joined me and began to lather me in a flowery soap, while I knew what soap was it was not part of my life. It had been kept for those better than the runt and the males had not given me any when we bathed at the other springs. You can understand my uncertainty when this rubbing caused bubbles to appear on my arm and the sweet scent of flowers to erupt, that I was alarmed. In that alarm I rushed back dunking myself and Fawn of the Meadow, realizing that what I had done and scared of what was about to come I burst into tears. Fawn of the Meadow, on the other hand, came up out of the water, laughing. Which immediately ceased upon looking at my face and hearing my squalls. Reaching for me only caused more anguished cries and a rush to avoid her causing me to nearly drown myself before an elderly matron in the pool next to us shushed me. Her shush halted me long enough for Fawn to catch me and hug me close whispering soft words which I understood to be unharmful or angry. I wasn't in trouble for nearly drowning us both, OK good. With a big hug, she picked up the soap and showed me how it worked then allowed me to soap her. In the end, we were both clean and the matron next door smiled at me. By the time we left the pools, it was dark and I was afraid I had missed dinner. These past months my stomach had become used to regular feeding and neither it nor I were looking forward to missing the dinner meal. Fortunately for both of us we discovered that we were right on time, Fawn led me straight back to Uncle Liam who sniffed me and announced I smelled like a prissy girly but dressed like a real boy. I just looked at him and told him he was silly, then sitting down to eat I thought back on how this day did not turn out anything like I could have imagined it would.

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