Part 12

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Our time in the caves was not wasted, the males reorganized our supplies and hunted to keep the cache full. Each morning we rose and ate together, normally coffee with a bit of pone or oats. Then off to lessons with one of them. Elder Seac taught Latin, Greek, Italian, Mathematics, and World History. Elder Eecho taught French, Galic, Spanish, Portuguese, and etiquette. Alpha Liam taught about being a wolf pack politics, hunting strategies, history of the packs, realities of being a wolf, and defense. It was in his words I learned the lessons that would see me through my darkest days.

Elder Seac would take me the rear of the cave where he had created his own "classroom", where I would recite nouns and conjugate verbs, listen to or read about World History, or working through mathematical problems. Then a short break. Followed by Elder Eecho taking me to his "classroom" in another branch of the cave, where again I would recite nouns, conjugate verbs and attempt conversations in a particular language. Moving on to etiquette lessons involving how to address pack members, how to sit, speak, eat at a formal table-- why he thought I would ever need this was beyond me, how to conduct myself before Royalty, Art History, and whatever else he could shove in. After these lessons complete my chores, with any free time I explored the caves finding many wonderous things.

On my first exploration, I had discovered the honey and that boon had been utilized many times, upon discovering of the bees had perished in the cold we had packed away most the honey with their combs for travel. Another exploration led me to a spring with a rather large pool, which I immediately jumped into. The water was warm and so clear the bottom appeared much nearer than it really was. The males were again pleased with my find and we all enjoyed spending time relaxing and bathing in the warm water. Other times my explorations yielded nothing more than a few mushrooms and dirty clothing, yet I never returned empty-handed. Evening meals were always the best, the day was done and it was time to relax before the next lesson or chore began.

Alpha Liam's lessons were different from the Elders. On various days he would pull me from the "classroom" and take me to wander with him. Showing me how to judge the weight of prey by the depth of a print, how to fall and not injure myself, how to fight in my skin and the theory of fighting in my fur, on and on the lessons went. Then one day as we sat soaking in the pool did he pick the tale he had begun so long ago.

"With the cargo and supplies unloaded the crew turned back to the ship. There were no wolves in sight for the moment the pack's feet had touched the shore two legs became four and they ran for the joy of it and to pay homage to their Blessed Goddess for all bounties she had led them too. Yet it had taken hours to unload the ship and now in the early morning as the last of the supplies were set upon the beach and the crew turned back toward the ship the Alpha, Beta, Delta, and few surviving warriors returned. The crew never stood a chance even the cabin boy was killed, the ship was stripped of anything useful, the remains left to nature."

"How do you know all this? I have read much yet this is not something I have seen." While questioning an Alpha was not recommended this journey had let me relax with him.

At his look, I began to wonder if maybe I had become too relaxed. "Patience is a virtue that needs to be nurtured." Was all he said but I got the message.

"The pack prepared to spend some time on the beach, no one knew what the Alpha would decide and they had to eat and care for the pups. That first night was good, warm and celebratory, they thought they were alone. The next day when that was proven to be a falsehood. Several males exited the woods and with full confidence of one on their own territory came to demand answers. Alpha met them before they entered the camp. After a few words and some hand signals, the males left and Alpha Finnegan returned to those gathered. He told them that they were not welcome here and needed to move on, but he had asked to meet the ruler of this land and he would take care of everything." At this point, he sighed as if he were weary or pained. I was too young to understand the sigh or the look. After a moment he continued. "Several days later the males returned to lead Pack Wolfe far into the woods. No one had entered this far in due to the Apha's orders, everyone had enjoyed the warm shore with its easy food supply and a nearby creek offering clean clear water. Running along the shore on two and four legs were grand, everyone was so happy to be off the ship and to have a fresh start. Though the mourning time had ended the scent of sadness would often waft through the breeze. After walking for a long time the wood thinned and fields came into view beyond them were building that resembled upside-down boats. Passing through the fields with corn and strange plants growing straight to the sky, the males led everyone to a large building before holding open a blanket that had been hung in the doorway. Within was the Chief, they blocked anyone who wasn't a leader, only the Alpha, Beta/Beta Female, and Delta/Delta Female entered the rest were confined until things were settled. The meeting lasted well into the night and when it ended the Chief had agreed to help the Pack get settled and prepared for the coming winter. While Alpha Finnegan had agreed to help protect the tribe."

"Alpha, I need a bush." I did not want to interrupt but somethings can not wait. After a quick break, we settled back down to continue the story.

"It was several years before the first large problem occurred. A wolf had scented his mate in a warrior's new wife, no one was backing down. The warrior was high ranking and seasoned, the female was a slave stolen from a tribe several days away she had been taken as revenge for the warrior's lost pride when he had several deer stolen from him on a hunt. The wolf was a young and inexperienced Theta who was barely trained but he was willing to fight for his mate. A place was chosen the tribe came to support the warrior the Pack to see a fight, telling the male not to make them look bad. The Alpha and Chief set the girl between them as the combatants entered the arena. With a nod of their heads, the fight began. Within minutes the male went from two to four feet and the warrior unsheathed his blade and stabbed the wolf several times in the chest. It was over so fast that no one enjoyed it, but the Natives thought they had a view of how the Pack fought and it gave them a boost of confidence. They thought they had the advantage if there was a war between them but were disappointed that their allies were so useless. The Chief began to think that they had been cheated all the hard work that had gone into getting the wolves set up, the land they had been given, all the prey and seed lost to these useless people. Alpha Liam was disappointed that the Theta was so weak but was happy to have him gone. Unaware of the thoughts of the Chief he turned to ask about the warrior training some of his wolves. In his turn he gave the girl a chance to grab his knife, she had it planted in her heart before anyone realized what was happening. "

A sad look passed over his face. With a deep breath, he continued. "The warrior accused the Alpha of killing his wife, the Chief seeing an opening to get rid of the Alpha and take over the Pack backed his man. The Alpha also saw the upside to this development and took advantage to challenge the warrior and the Chief. Both accepted unaware they had not seen an untrained wolf, the Alpha was an old and seasoned fighter. There was no fight it was a slaughter, when it was over the heads were the only recognizable pieces left. Suddenly the tribe understood the danger and turned to flee, but it was too late. By nightfall, the Pack had moved out of the small encampment they had built and into the spacious village. It was the beginning of Alpha Finnegan's territory building."

After several days the storm broke and we entered a world painted in white. I feared that we would have to wait till spring to finish our journey but Alpha Liam announced that in the morning we would begin again. The rest of the day was spent packing up and preparing for whatever was to come.

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