Part 11

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 After an uneventful ferry crossing the journey had become more and more monotonous, hours of travel followed by setting a camp after sunset only to break it before sunrise. The air was getting colder and the snow deeper as winter tightened its grip. Alpha Liam had spoken no more about Pack Wolfe, Alpha Finnegan, or their arrival in the New World since before the ferry and I had begun to wonder why he started the tale and if he was finished with it. It was rare that he spoke more often listening to the Elders as they sought to give me lessons while we rode or by the nightly campfire. When he did speak we all strained to listen, I was convinced even the mules paid attention.

As we finished crossing a wide ice-covered river, the weather turned on us. Up to this point, the snow had been light but steady and the temperatures crisp but not painful. That all now changed. We made camp at the base of a huge tree a few hundred feet from the river. Though day was not done, the mules were not happy and had been acting up all afternoon, Alpha Liam decided to set up camp for the night giving us all a chance to relax before the next leg of our journey began. After getting the mules and horses settled, Elder Eecho set me down to do some mathematics. With me settled he wandered off to help get dinner finished, leaving me to my torture. Unbeknownst to me, this was just the beginning of my educational torture.

The next morning I awoke to a world of the white wind, the temperature had dropped and a blizzard had descended. Alpha Liam, Elder Eecho, or Elder Seac had moved me into a cave with a fire burning low not far from me. From my spot, I could see a white wall and hear the screaming wind but nowhere where did I see my family. At that moment I realized Alpha Liam had become part of my family. I sat there waiting for them to return, looking around to see all our supplies, it hit me I could and should be doing something. After a short exploration, I began to get some food ready, knowing that they would all be hungry after dealing with the cold.

As the water began to boil a body breached the entrance, causing me to squeal in fright, jumping up and running toward the body Elder Eecho pushed me back "I am frozen, you need not touch me. Let me warm by the fire first. OH, what have you got started?"

"You need to eat so I cooked. Where are the others? What happened?" Questions poured out of my mouth they abruptly ended with the Elder spoke.

"Take care of the food and we will speak as I warm. Early this morning the weather got so bad we realized it would not be safe to travel, Alpha Liam knew of this cave so we moved the camp here. Thankfully you slept through it. After getting the supplies settled we all went back out to move the mules and horses to shelter. Now that is tended to Alpha Liam sent me back to prepare for a stay while they see what prey is available."

With answers given, we both became quiet he continued to warm and I bustle around making a stew with fire biscuits. Just as the biscuits were being pulled two figures entered the cave one on four legs the other two. Alpha Liam dropped two deer the entranced as Elder Seac shook out his fur. Shifting into his skin he hurried to the fire to warm.

"Oo, it smells good in here, what did you cook Eecho?" he asked as he pulled on pants and covered his top with a blanket.

"I nothing. This is all Boudica." Elder Eecho respondedd causing Alpha Liam to snap his head up and put his entire focus on me.

" You don't say. What did you make little one?"

"Stew with the last of deer and some of the dried veg. I also made some of Lady Wolfe's fire biscuits." My voice soft, it was the first meal I had ever made by myself and my confidence was lacking. That lack of confidence did not deter any of the men as they all came for their portion of the food. Quicker than a blink the pan had been scraped dry, the biscuit pan held only crumbs, and the coffee drained. I was so happy they seemed to like it.

As the males moved back toward the entrance, I heard one of them say "That was rather good, the only thing missing was a sweet, and a long nap."

"I can fix one of those missing things." At my voice, all three males turned around.

"How is that", asked Alpha Liam.

"Well, when I woke there was no one here so I explored a bit of the cave. Down one of the tunnels, I found a beehive. It is so cold the bees did not even know I was there, after thanking the bees I collected a bit of honey."

At this point the Elders both became upset. " Don't explore alone", "You could have become lost" both of these I had expected from my dear family. What I did not expect was Alpha Liam's reaction, " Good job". Both Elders turned and in a loud combined voice, "WHAT".

"She did not just sit here waiting for someone to come wait on her. She assessed the situation, explored her environment, cataloged what was here, collected what she needed without being greedy, and used it well for the benefit of the pack." How my knees kept me upright I do not know. This was not the reaction I had expected. I didn't know what to say.

"Thank you, Alpha" was the only thing I thought to say.

"Well yes, she has always been a resourceful child." Elder Seac replied.

"I would expect nothing less from her. Given who her mother is"

What? My mother was a warrior in Pack Wolfe who was unremarkable as far as I knew. My sire was no better. 'What could the Alpha be talking about?' my thoughts were abruptly stopped when he then said, "Be that as it may, we still have work to do. Seac with me, Eecho prepare her lessons we will be here for several days no use in wasting time. As for you, pup, finish cleaning up then get some sleep." With those orders, everyone turned to complete their tasks.

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