Part 13

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Where the first part of the journey had been full of forests, rocks, and rolling mountains only broken by streams and river now the ground flattened out and began lakes that seemed to have no end. The weather had let us know that it was in charge and we had lost a mule when it had frozen to death after getting off the lead and wandering away one night. The lessons that had started in the "classrooms" had continued with me being passed from one to another each day for whatever was on the roster. Each morning began with digging out and checking the fire and the animals. The males often slept in their fur with me squished in their fur pile. After rising and making sure all was well a quick meal with coffee was prepared for the day, we rarely stopped so a hot meal was reserved for the beginning of our day and the end of it.

As we moved slowly along one morning I was shocked to see a flower. It was so beautiful with its head pointed to the sun and in full bloom. I followed my first inclination and flung myself off of Elder Seac's horse just as he was about to give me my next word to conjugate, hitting the ground I rushed over and snatched up the blossom. Turning around with my prize I was not met with smiles or pride, no, the faces of the males informed me I had made a mistake, possibly a grave one.

"Do not move"

"Stay still little one"

"Calm deep breaths"

Now I began to fear, what could be behind me that had so frightened these males? As I stood there frozen and attempting to do as ordered and take deep breaths and be calm, I felt my heart race and my breaths become shallow I was going to die.

"When I tell you too, you run as fast as you can to Eecho. Do not turn around, just run" Alpha Liam's soft firm voice broke through my fear. All I could do is nod, yes.

I could see Elder Eecho's arms reaching out, ready to snatch me up, all I had to do is reach them to reach my safe place.

"NOW" I took off as if my life depended on it, running faster than I ever had striking Elder Eecho so hard it spun him around. His arms closing around me like a vice pushing my face into his chest as he spoke so quickly that I had trouble understanding him. "Whydidyoudothat.Youknowitisdangerousouthere.Whatwereyouthinking?"

Grasping for breath I pushed back from his chest and showed him the first flower we had seen in months. "It is so pretty, I just had to have it to show all of you."

"Oh, you sweet child." Elder Eecho softly said as he cupped my face causing me to lean into his hand.

It was then that I remembered Alpha Liam and Elder Seac and heard the roar of an enraged bear. In my flight for the flower, I had failed to pay attention to my surroundings and had rushed straight into the path of a newly woke, hungry, pissed off black bear. Because of my stupidity, Alpha Liam and Elder Seac were in wolf skin challenging this beast. Moving quickly Elder Eecho returned to the horses and mounted placing me securely in front of him. As he began to guide the train away from the fight I squirmed trying to see what was happening. Turning me be back around and firmly pushing me into the saddle Elder Eecho began to reprimand me.

"Alpha Liam has informed me that he will handle your punishment and that you are to stay seated and quiet until we make camp this evening."

With that, he spoke no more as we moved away from the fight and the last of the battle was swallowed by the wind and sparse woods.

Though the snow was not as deep nor the winter temperatures as cold, spring had not truly sprung and the going was still slow but steady. Alpha Liam and Elder Seac did not rejoin us to deep into the evening. Elder Eecho had stopped for camp shortly before the sun left the sky making sure to have the animals were taken care of and a warm fire going with food warming and coffee in the making. I had done exactly what I had been told and followed every request made to the letter. Fear of my punishment was not what was destroying my heart, it was the shame that I had failed to use my lessons and that I had put my pack, my family, in danger. My stupidity could have cost me something more precious than my life, my family.

When the males returned they found me sitting quietly near the fire reading. I did not move until given permission, only moving to get my portion of the meal and then returned to my former position. After dinner was done and the chores completed did Alpha Liam call me over.

Standing me in front of him as he sat on a log several feet from the fire he spoke, "Was it worth it?"

My tongue stuck to my teeth and my thoughts fled. I did the only thing my young mind could do, burst into tears. "Forgive me", I blubbered. Sobbing uncontrollably into the front of his shirt, which I had grabbed slamming myself into his chest holding on for dear life. As if, if I let go he would vanish or be snatched from me.

"Oh child, you are so young and from time to time we forget that your years and experience fail to match your learning." He held me gently and rubbed my back with one hand while holding the back of my head with his other. "I will not punish you, for you have punished yourself far more than I ever could." With this, he set me away from him. As he stood he spoke for the last time that evening, "Will you run into the wood without considering your surroundings?".

Raising my face to his, for the first time looking him directly in the eyes, I answered. "No".

With that, we all retired to end this day and I prayed that never again would I be stupid enough to place my family in danger. Swearing on Luna herself that I would become the best wolf ever no one in my family would ever be harmed again. Oh, the promises of the young and naive.

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