Part 10

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"Pack Wolfe fled Ireland Fifty years ago after their Alpha Sean Finnegan bet the pack land and lost. He refused to honor the wager and was forced off the land. As they fled, he ordered all the houses, outbuildings, crops, or supplies that could not be carried burned or destroyed. It was only because of the Elders' foresight and preparations did the pack survive, for many lives were lost in the flight. An Elder named Flann Doublin was owed a favor by the owner of a ship called the "Marigold", which was docked in Dublin harbor. Unbeknownst to Alpha Finnegan, Elder Doublin had already made plans to sail for America with several pack members, taking the entire Archive of Pack Wolfe. Due to the crisis, the Elders used the ship to save not only a few but as many as the could, unfortunately for them three of those saved were the Alpha, Beta, and Delta. They arrived at the dock just in time to board." So the tale of how Pack Wolfe came to America began. As Liam spoke, the trail began to rise, the stallions never broke stride giving me rhythmic sway in which to relax and listen. I could not help but ask myself why he was telling me this now.

"While the seas remained calm and the winds true, that could not be said for the passengers or crew. The crew was a hardened bunch of superstitious men who fast suspected that their passengers were not quite who they said they were nor what they appeared to be and on the night of a full moon, they were proven correct by the Beta. He shifted on deck causing a disturbance and anxiety among the crew and the pack, for the pack too wanted to shift but had been ordered by the Alpha not to. Beta O'Sullivan's actions were a huge problem for all of them. The crew rioted several packmates and a few of the crew were killed before the order was restored. The Captain was a practical man, he and Alpha Finnegan quickly came to an agreement so that no one else would die. The crew would do their job, deliver the pack to the new world, then leave. Who would believe them if they went back spouting nonsense about werewolves, the Alpha told them if no one bothered them they would not harm anyone first. The ship settled into an uneasy truce. The wind remained true and within the fourth-week land had been spotted. It was not too soon for the crew's fear had risen in the last week due to a she-wolf who had growled at a crewman for yelling at her pup. It did not help matters that wolves are not fond of staying in for an extended amount of time, a run was needed but out on the ship, there was nowhere to take care of that problem. Land being sighted was a joyous event, the fact it happened on a full moon night where the moon sat so low and was so bright was seen to the pack a sign of the blessing of the mother, Luna. Leading them to believe she was telling them great Blessings awaited them in this new home, they would thrive. Alpha ordered the ship brought in close to shore, he had several of his men jump into the sea and guide the ship into the shallow water. The Captain was obviously not happy with this fearing his ship beached or impaled on hidden shoals. Alpha Finnegan just growled and ordered it done, they followed his orders and brought the ship in closer than the crew was comfortable with but felt silence was the safer option. When the ship was anchored the pack began to disembark and the crew, who was ready to see the back of these wolves, began to unload the cargo, leaving it on the beach for someone else to deal with." Liam had to stop at this point an allow me to find a bush. My butt hurt, as did the rest of me as I was not healed from my long walk yesterday. As my feet hit the ground the rest of me did too, my legs were like dough. Elder Eecho was quick to come to my aid and assist me in a bush so that I could relieve myself.

"I am sorry," I cried, terrified that Alpha Liam would cast me aside. Forcing the Elders to leave me for being a burden. I had learned early that those seen as a burden were discarded and/or killed and I had no wish to die.
Elder Eecho had always seemed to have the ability to see through me and know what was in my heart and mind. Whenever I was particularly confounded, confused, sad, or upset he sought me out and help me to understand or just held me till I regained myself. Here he was again holding me and just letting me cry, once I had regained my breath he spoke "Never again fear that you will be alone. Where you go I go for you are my little one." Those softly spoken words relieved all my fears and doubts, it didn't matter what happened I would be OK. The Elders would not leave me.

"Ready to go?" Alpha Liam's quiet tone broke my happy bubble. My raw eyes and snotty nose lifted up to see his hand once again splayed out for me to grab. I wiped my nose across the back of my arm and grasped his hand, settling me in front of him, he remarked," Gonna have to get ya some lessons in being a Lady".

The slight rises had become steep and the trees had thickened as the day progressed my age had granted me the opportunity to nap in the afternoon. My dreams of a ship with wolves hauling mast and steering away from storms. It was late afternoon when we reached a river that we could not easily ford. Alpha Liam seems unperturbed turning us downriver we continued to a clearing with ferry landing. With the light fading, we all dismounted to set up camp for the night. My body seemed to be mostly healded, the nap helping greatly.

After a quiet supper and a quick cleanup, we were asleep. Tomorrow would be my first ferry crossing and the anticipation was killing me. No longer was I afraid of being left out here alone, Elder Eecho nor Elder Seac would let me be cast aside. My family, though fractured, was still beside me and I would fear no more.

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