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The days passed in their own sweet time. The Alpha had received another missive and immediately upon reading it sent for the Elders. A debt was owed while this may seem like nothing it was far from it, a large debt could wipe out a pack. The pack was scared, we knew not what was owed or to whom, as time passed and my lack of answers ate at me I began doing what I do and read. Seeking answers in the tomes that surrounded me, if my pack went down it would not be because I failed to seek out a saving grace. On the eve of the seventh day, a howl was heard announcing the arrival of a visitor. Our worries, we had so carefully tucked away, now blossomed into terror. Throughout the packhouse, hearts begin to race and scent the fear bloomed thick. Alpha Wolfe quickly reassured all of us through our link that all was well and for us to attend to our duties, he and the Elders had it all under control. 'Do we want our guest to think we were all coyotes, quivering and cowering in fear?' he scolded us. The fear and the heart rates dropped, the air cleared, and too soon our visitor arrived to collect his mysterious debt.

Without allowing our visitor to pass the tree line the had pack lined up in front of the den to greet him. Being small had an advantage as I was able to easily get out on the porch roof, thus I had a great view and was not in danger of being stepped on or otherwise injured. He was a huge, all muscles and sinew, I was aghast at his rawness and the fact he was traveling alone. Who traveled alone, we lived in a dangerous time. The Revolution has been going on for 6 years, most were's stayed out of it but recently the Colonials had been winning more and I had begun to guess that most had picked a side and begun to fight. Traveling alone meant possible enlistment with either side, whether one wished it or not. As he entered the clearing in front of the den Alpha Wolfe stepped forward with Beta O'Sullivan on his right and the Luna on his left, the rest of us took a step back. Dismounting from the roan took nothing from his size, he towered over the pack and when he spoke I nearly soiled myself.

"Greeting" the sound so deep it seemed to reverberate through my skull.

Alpha Wolfe took a more convivial approach, "Brother, you look well. I trust your journey has not been difficult".

Instead of answering the male looked around as if judging us and finding us, lacking. "You've built yourself a fine house, no more dens for you then. Yer more human than wolf". The air got thin as all the pack members inhaled as one, how dare he stand on our land and insult us. Before anyone could react the Alpha did something quite unexpected, he slapped the male on the back and bid him enter, all the while chuckling heartily. He turned to get his things and tend his horse but was met with his things being gathered and his horse led away. Turning back toward the den he spotted me, I was not yet a predator but I certainly knew what prey felt like and this was it. Not knowing what else to do I laid my head on the cold shingles of the porch roof and waited for him to pass. Only after I no longer felt anyone outside did I lift my head. Many things had frighted me in my short life, but this male outdid them all.

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