Part 16

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There is something about mornings that just seem to startle me. The last thing I remember was curling up in Uncle Liam's arms, after declining a honeycomb, to listen to Papa tell the gathering a Wolfe tale. Now I was stretching out in a bed alone. Where was everyone? Rising pulling on the traveling moccasins, running my fingers through my hair- I began to braid it out of habit- I ventured toward the door only for it to be flung open. "Shhheee... Oh, you're awake", Sten seemed stunned to see me standing there. "The others have gone to tend the mules and horses, snowed last night. Hate those late blows, why can't mother nature make up her mind....." as he droned on I got on with the morning chores. Only half-listening to him as I stoked the fire, put the coffee on, and warmed some meat. Within a short time, the air was scented with our meal.

"I know, I know I just hoped to give her more time."

"She needs this information"

"She is stronger than you give her credit for."

The door opened with these sentences floating in each being spoken by a different voice. Knowing that they would tell me what I needed to know I didn't even look up from my task. The meal quickly is eaten and with the area again cleaned before my family turns to me as one and Uncle Liam tells me with sad eyes " Little one come here, we need to talk".

"I was hoping to give you more time before we spoke about this, you're just 6 and".
"Am 7." I interrupted.

"What? Bo when did you turn 7?" Uncle Lima asked surprised. Wheather from my interruption or my bombshell I do not know.

"Sixteen days after the New Year celebration. Lady Elizabeth said so." I was confused as to why this was an issue or questioned.

"Why did you not remind us Boudica?" asked Papa. Grandpa standing beside him appeared distressed.

"Why?" For the life of me, I did not know we were talking about this when this was obviously not why I had been called to his knee.

"Birthdays are important for us, they mark the survival of a year," Grandpa said.

"Alright", replied staring at them. I had not seen the stallion for a while and had found some rather limp carrots that I wanted to give him. This was getting too long for me, I had places to be.

"Boudica next time remind us your birthday is near. Families share birthday wishes and we are your family" Uncle Liam tells me in a firm voice that sets in my mind, firmly cementing in my mind that family matters. "Do you remember when we were back at the cave and I told you that your mother would be proud? I could tell by the look on your face that you were confused by this, you were told that your parents were just some warriors in the pack. That is not true, your parents were both born Alphas." Not understanding what this meant I simply stared at him. He then continued, "Sten and his pack are/were Vikings, they came to this land long ago and have lived among its natives in peaceful coexistence. Your mother was part of his pack, in fact, they were littermates."

"Sten is my family?" I gasp. The thought of having another family member terrified me. "Why did he not come for me?" I don't know where that thought came from or why it came out of my mouth.

"Bo, he did not know. No, just listen, your mother, Bodil, was returning from Scandinavia where her group had collected new pack members and trade. As they crossed Pack Wolfe territory, your father intercepted them and recognized your mother as his mate. Anlon was a born Alpha but did not want the position, he preferred being a warrior and tracker, he excelled at both. The rest of the group was allowed to leave with a message for Sten. While Bodil and Anlon returned to Pack Wolfe village."

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