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 The next morning I awoke to the smell of food, confused I rolled off the bed. Instead of the pain of hitting the floor, I was lifted back onto the bed and seated at the headboard. Food placed before me and a smooth voice ordered me to eat. Shaking my head to clear the cobwebs, and pushing my hair back out of my eyes, Liam's face greeted me.

"Feelin' better are ya"? I knew he wanted an answer but my mouth was so dry I simply nodded. "After ya done, get yourself gathered for we'll be leaving this morning". What?? Leave?? This was my home, then the events of the previous day burst into my mind. The accusations of theft, the Elders returning, and Liam's declaration. The Elders had taught me pack law and I knew that one must do what is best for the pack, not thinking of one's self. So for the good of the pack, I would go with Liam, but what about the Elders would they go with me and take half the Archives? The thoughts just boggled my mind.

"Who is leaving?" it may have seemed like a silly question for I had been in the room but sitting here eating in Liam's room I could not recall what had happened after his declaration.

Instead of answering Liam removed the tray, setting it on the dresser, he picked me up and began to leave the room. Leaving the room it was as if my ears had been opened, the sound of grunts, men lifting trunks, and feet pounding stairs echoed throughout the house. "What's going on?" again no answer was forthcoming, instead, down into the archive we went.

"We will be leaving so you better finish up and hurry your packing or you will be leaving with what is on your back." With that, he turned and left.

"Here child", "Boudica", "Little one" was heard as I arrived back in the Archives. Straight away I was moved into the arms of the Elders, feeling the safety and love that had been missing the past week. "We are sorry it took so long. The weather did not cooperate and we were stuck for several days. But that is neither here nor there, what do you remember from yesterday?" Elder North asked.

"Alpha accused me of being a thief, and OH MY, Liam said to settle the debt he would take...." At this point panic set in.

Gathering me tightly in his grasp Elder Eecho patted my back while rocking me and softly singing an Irish lullaby. When I was calm Elder North spoke again "The Alpha agreed to some of the terms. He never has had much use for us but he is a traditional Alpha so he canna gets rid of all of us. It has been decided that Elders Seac and Eecho, along with half the Archives are going to be accompanying you and Liam, to Liam's pack."

My mind shut down and the darkness took me.

The next thing I knew I was seated in front of Liam, bundled securely in a blanket and his arms around my waist. Not knowing how much time had passed, my fear grew, so I began to squirm. Liam tightened his hold and quietly spoke "Settle down we have far to go before making camp tonight". His voice stilled me, not moving my body I twisted my head around to see Lady Elizabeth walking toward us, "Now my dear remember your lessons and remember I love you" with that she kissed the blanket and returned to the house. Elder North was nowhere to be seen and my eyes began to swell as my heart burst. Would he not say goodbye? As Alpha Wolfe came out to send us on our way, no one else spoke, and with that quiet farewell, my life with Pack Wolfe was over.

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