Part 22

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UHG, the sun hit me square in the face. I rolled to avoid it as I heard a group coming around the shore, I had not scented them soI knew they were several minutes away. Jumping up I moved to Uncle Liam's side, "We have company. Coming around the shore. They will be here in minutes." I told him, as I moved back and woke the rest of our pack up.

Uncle Liam did not hurry his stretches nor did the rest of my males. Only Atsadi hurriedly raised, up kicking his bedding aside, and joining me near the fire.

As I had predicted the group did arrive shortly. "Finally, your back. Was it a success? What did you bring? Who are they, is that..." The large male in walking in front said.

"This is how you greet your Alpha after he has been gone for nearly a year?" The female standing beside him said, stand on her tiptoes, cuffing him he back of the head.

"OOOOWWWW, why you do that? We have company, why are you acting like a monster?" The large man complained to her, rubbing the back of his head.

"Shut it both of you," Alpha Liam said as silence fell. "How is the pack?" He asked looking at the large male, then at the female.

"All good, six new pups were born and four are still living but one is still not good. We lost three males while you were gone. One to age, one to stupidity, and one to a rogue. The food held out and our planting went in on time with all plants on schedule for a good harvest, the game is plentiful so the lauder will full again in no time." Alpha nodded and turned to look at the female.

"Very little sickness over winter, few females went into heat as noted in the births - we still don't understand why so few go into heat." She might have said more but I interrupted.

"Where do you store your food?" I asked.

"Bo this is not the time..." Papa said.

"No, let her finish," Grandpa said. The others just watched mouths closed. Alpha nodded his head for me to continue.

I gulped before speaking, "Back at Pack Wolfe some of the females stopped going into heat. Alpha Finnegan got real mad about it and demanded the healers find out why. They found that the females had been using elm bark in their tea and it shortened or even halted their heats. When they took the bark away their heats returned on schedule. Don't you remember me telling you about that Grandpa?" I said, looking up at him.

"Yes, child. That is why I wanted you to finish. I am proud of you for catching that so quickly." He said patting me on the head.

"Elm bark, hmmm. Well I have not heard of that but it is worth looking into." the female said.

Alpha and the rest of my males just smiled at me. My heart near burst. "Who is she and why does she look familiar?" The large male bellowed out. Startling me.

"This is Anlon's daughter, he and his mate are dead. Meet Bodica Eden Wolfe-Connolly Grey Wolf in the Forest, my daughter." Alpha Liam announced. Suddenly my Uncle was my dad and I was so happy.

The large male bent down on one knee, "I was one of your father's friends and this blunderbuss' Beta. Name's Adare Maguire this here's my mate Astrid." His voice was softer as if he were suddenly afraid he would startle me as if he hadn't already.

"Move ya bull calf," Astrid said pushing her mate aside. "Let me take a look at ya. OH, yer the spitting image of ya ma, well, with a little of yer pa sprinkled in. When ya get older I'll tell you all bout the time these pups took off..."

"Oh no you wouldn't," My Dad said. My dad oh how those words made me tingle. "She will never be old enough to hear those stories," looking between Astrid, Adare, and dad my mind churned at what she had to say. Catching Astrid staring at me she winked. AH, she would tell me later, can't wait to grow up.

"Grab the mules and take them where they belong. There is a manifest in my saddlebag, check it all in, and then meet me at the late with the pack so that everyone can be introduced to the new pack members.

"Aye Aye Alpha" Adare waved his arm and the males behind him moved to lead the mules away. My heart tightened a little, for the past several months they had been my constant companions. I would miss them.

Seeing my face Papa frowned, "What is it, Bo?".

"She is sad to see the mules go, did you not notice how she spoke to them each day," Uncle Sten said.

I had not realized anyone noticed. They always seemed so busy with their work. "It is silly but they will be well cared for and I will see them soon enough," I said.

"True true, your first job will be in the barn and maybe the garden," Dad said. He knew I loved working with plants and animals. It made me so happy that he paid attention to what I liked.

"Can we go home now"? I asked with hope in my voice and a spring in my knees.

"Alright, load up it's time to sleep in our own beds tonight."

With that, we mounted up and exited the first book in my life story. 

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