Haru vs Draco and Lucius

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Haru was about to take a bite from his eggs when his sense of danger went off. He leaned to the right and a spell went flying past his ear. Turning around, he found Draco glaring at him for reasons he had no idea about. Aside from general dislike between them anyway. He looked at him with a bland expression.

"Why did you just try to curse me, Malfoy?" He asked calmly.

"I bet you think you're better than us, don't you? Filthy half breed bastard!" Malfoy sneered. Haru didn't bother to react. Reacting would only make things worse, as he had learned the hard way. However he could still make a snappy comeback.

"And what does that say about you? Your very name tells the world that your word cannot be trusted." He said calmly. He hexed Ron and Hermione silent. They would only ruin his fun and why do they think their friends really?

"What did you say, you whore?" Draco snarled.

"Malfoy, a French family whose very name means 'Bad Faith'. By that very definition the word of your or your father cannot be held as good really without any certain...collateral...put into place.

You claim to be superior to us Brits, yet you're nothing more than a little worm who had to flee France because of the fact that someone of superior breeding had chased you out, all because your ancestor had no honor to hold his end of a bargain.

Fluer Delacour was very talkative about where the name Malfoy came from Draco...who knew that your ancestors were just as spineless and full of shit as you are now?" He said coldly. The entire hall was silent at those words.

Haru had just challenged Draco's honor and the honor of his entire line. If Draco left that go really unchallenged, then he would be in trouble with his own house. On the other hand, Haru had just definitely scored major pureblood brownie points by countering his accusations and trouncing his 'rival' and his honor to the ground.

"Honor Duel, tomorrow at dinner!" Draco snarled.

"I accept, bad faith." He said coldly. And with that, the school was abuzz with this new development.

"Haru, how could you do that?" Hermione hissed who had finally broken the charm to keep her quiet.

"I've had it up to here with Malfoy and his gang. In case you haven't noticed Hermione, Draco practically has this entire school wrapped around his finger because Dumbledore is too much of a damn pacifist to actually do anything to antagonize someone he might be able to redeem later." Haru spat.

Ron had finally given up on trying to break the charm. Haru wasn't interested in hearing his offer to be his second or his attempts to dissuade him. He had goaded Draco with the intent to insure that he actually came to this duel, unlike the first time which Ron had so idiotically gotten him into.

He had read up on duels after that incident and he had been furious that Ron had accepted it for him when it wasn't his decision to make. It was just good luck that Draco was too much of a coward to challenge him directly and had backed out.

Haru had to keep himself from hexing Hermione again to get her to shut up. Why couldn't she understand that he had enough of Malfoy's attitude? Didn't she notice that not one teacher had stood up to punish the ass for trying to curse her in the middle of the damn Great Hall?

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