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A child was playing in the sandbox when some of the older kids kicked him and destroyed his sand castle making him to cry before his elder brother, older brother and elder sister came running to him and were furies at what they saw really.

They saw the kids laughing and secretly followed them and then at night time had fun with them as no one hurts their brother and gets away with it. They saw their parents and wonder if they were in trouble really, but the smile on their brother's face melted that worry.

"Killed?" Their mama asked.


"Just wounded."

"Not ready to kill just yet."

"Good." Their papa said as he helps clean them up and tucked them into bed with their little brother and sister joining them as this is how they were like really. Once they turn thirteen each, they'll get their own rooms.

Zalgo gave up after he finally got out of Azkaban really as Haru siced the 'Creator' onto him who got LJ and Jeff together and was the one to create LJ for his human friend and made his angel son, who's DNA was used a bit to make him really friendly, to give him to him really.

LJ was shocked and aunty LJ laughed since she was the same for her friend, too. Jeff blushed as that explains LJ's gentleness when they were having... Their youngest son doesn't need that image in his head really. The father of the kids that were put to bed chuckles.

"Don't laugh! I don't need images of my parents doing it!" Again chuckles. He loves his wife and children as he wouldn't have it any other way. It was almost Christmas time and his wife was looking out the window again as he holds a mug of hot chocolate.

"Distant stars, at home up in the heavens
Wonder what they see, are they watching me?
Christmas star, you spin your strands of silver
What a sight to see, are you there to guide me?

Star light, shine bright
See me through the dark night
Light mine, pathway
Guide me home for Christmas day

Midnight stars, they sail the sky in silence
Hearing all they see, are they hearing me?
Christmas Star, you watch the world so wisely
At my journey's end, will you be my true friend?

Star light, shine bright
See me through the dark night
Light mine, half way
Guide me home for Christmas day.

Guide me home for Christmaaaas daaaaaaaaaaaay." Haru loves to sing as he has a record out there with many fans and pretending to have been experimented on in the past to have his youth still, though ages every ten years making it to be believable as there is a record of it in Germany.

Haru got Hitler in more boiling water even though the man is dead really making Haru to not care about the dead man as he knows the kids are going to be having fun really on Christmas day.

'Can't wait really.'

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