Back with Family

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Haru was finally going to meet his parents and was nervous making Luna to be there as she sends reports in actually. Haru's unlock operator powers are not trained and she's aging like normal, but she can choose if she wants it like that or not really.

Ginny, Neville, Sirius, Remus Lupin and Hedwig were nervous for Haru as this is going to be hard for him really as Luna picked the perfect place making Haru to see the Slenderman with a lot of people as he saw a clown and a teen with a wide cut that makes it look like he's smiling really making Haru to wonder.

'Hello, Haru. I'm guessing you know who I am?' Haru nods as he doesn't mind it, but hates it really as Slenderman laughs.

'Trust me. This is a first for my 'children's children to be a operator like me really. I'll help you out if you like.' Haru nods as this might work since he needs to train his powers really. He looks to the 'children' and saw two that looked hopeful with three teens the same age as him.

'I sense them, but I don't see them. The triplets looked like me, but different. Hm?' Haru fully felt his instincts reacting to the five and he walks over to them.

"Mama? Papa? Sisters? Brother?" All five hugged him as Haru hugs them back making Haru to have tears going down his face making both sides to be happy as Haru is home now. Haru noticed his mama is a male, but he doesn't mind.

His elder sister, Laughing Haruno looks like their papa, but female with blue eyes and blond hair and she is a bit taller than he is by two inches. Haruki, the Killer is a female version of their mama, but has black hair and green eyes.

She's a inch shorter than Haruno making Haru to wonder if his parent like the 'Haru' in the names really. His older twin brother Laughing Haruhiko, the Killer is a mix between their parents with dark blond hair and one blue one red eye.

Haruhiko is two inches taller than Haru is making him to know to never prank his siblings as they might get him back. Haru himself is a human version of Laughing Jack with the instincts of Jeff, the Killer which is why he had those thoughts.

Slenderman heard and replied it to Haru's family making them to accept and both helped Haru out making his siblings to be fully home-schooled since childhood by Grandpa Slendy making Haru to ask if he can do the same since he's behind on his 'human' side.

'Of course, Haru. I'll add it to your operator lessons as well, too. Now then, please introduce your proxies to us.' Haru nods and starts to introduce them to his family.

"This is Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Ginvera Weasley and Hedwig. Guys, meet my family." Everyone talk as Sirius talks to Slenderman and explains making Slenderman to nod and accept him into the family cause of his help really.

Haru got use to his parents being overprotective since he was really kidnapped, so he had Smiles with him and Grinning Cat which calms them down as Haruno teaches Haru how to summon poisonous candy, normal candy and instant K.O candy.

"Could potions be place into the candies?" Everyone saw his Hogwarts books and LJ was wondering the same thing making him to experiment before his children learn since they can all summon candy really which Haru wonders more about really.

"Papa said we could." Haru smirks bloody as he took her and sneaks into a house where they saw an old man love is a paedophilia making Haru to place a piece of candy near his hand and the old man took it. They were outside fast really.

The old man exploded when the police kicked down the door making their grandpa Slendy to pick them up after he saw what they did with their candy making him to be proud as they went home and Slenderman told both LJ and Jeff what happened.

"Yes! That's my children for ya!" LJ is proud making Haru and Haruno to laugh childishly since both still have mental growth to go through really. Haru finished Hogwarts back in fifth year with his proxies making them not to go back really.

Haru is enjoying his new life making him to not go back at all as he can do as he pleased within reason really making him to pout, but make it look like it was Toby making him to shout it wasn't him which Sirius hides a smirk at really.

'That's my pup! Go get them!'

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