Fifth year

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Haru doesn't like the new DADA Professor as she looks like a toad animagus transformation went wrong making her to not like the fact there is four 'Wanderers' in the school and tried to force them into a house, but the sorting hat refused.

"I'm afraid by forcing it, they will all die and you will be charge with murder of four students, Dolores Umbridge." Dumbledore said as she huffs and walks away as she'll deal with them really. They stay in their dormitory and works on their school work as they only trust Snape to mark their DADA work.

He was impress and marks it for them as they are close to finishing the other two years included into their fifth year. Snape saw smart kids and allows them to bring their DADA work which they did and high marks for them really.

Umbridge called all four and had them write lines saying 'I Must Not Tell Lies' making them to explain they haven't lied really, but she won't listen and they flinched as the words write onto the back of their left hands. They told Snape only really.

Snape contracted Madam Bones and explained with one of her Aurors dealing with the DADA Position which she did making Umbridge to be sent to Azkaban for life which Haru fixed a bit as a life sentence is for fifteen to twenty years max with poll roll max.

Umbridge won't be leaving really as the others were sent to a mind healer making Bellatrix to be removed from the Blacks for her Insanity Mental Disorder making her to be in the deeper part of St. Morgue which helps out as she is crazy really.

Haru knows that Madam Bones took over as the Ministress of Magic and Haru sent her what needs to change and what needs to stay making her to fix it up as Haru called for a Wizengamot audition to happen making it easier to get help.

She accepts and made sure that everything is sorted out before she signs anything making it easier as Haru noticed a needle mark in his arm making him to be pissed as that's illegal really making him to warn Madam Bones about it really.

Haru, Luna, Ginerva and Neville got the cream for the wounds and the counter spell for the spell on the quill making them to be happy to not have it anymore as they continue as normal as Haru saw Sirius being tortured by Voldemor.

Sirius was still in his world really making him to ignore it as he does know it's Voldemor and will tell his parents about him as they can deal with him for him really as he doesn't want to mess with him at all really. Luna sent a report back making Jeff royally pissed.

LJ is having a hard time trying to calm his wife and knows the only way to calm her is to kill the bitch really. Slenderman brought the bitch over and Jeff had fun as EJ got the kidneys and liver making him to cheer as he chases the dang organs.

Haru doesn't want to know as he sighs as it's Christmas break and they are going to be going to the Guardian World to help Jack Frost out with Black Pitch which was fun as he did warn the other guardians to include him in their meetings or he'll take him.

"That's not happening."

"He might think about it. Seems the moon spirit likes me." Jack was just laughing as the others were fully jaw dropped at Haru for that really.

"You can..."

"See, hear, feel and sense the moon spirit. Feels more like twins really." Jack laughed so hard as he likes the kid very much and wherever there is winter, he'll come visit making Haru to smile as he would like that really as it would be fun to play pranks with him really.

Fred and George had fun as JF had fun playing winter pranks on people making him to really have fun as Haru, Luna, Ginerva and Neville were included making this to be awesome and JF made the Black Lake have very thick ice to stake on as many Muggle-borns were having fun on the ice.

Haru gave St. Morge a lot of medical information for disabilities and disorders making them to be able to deal with them really and Madam Bones got the laws of the muggle world mkaing her to pass them to her successor and let's them deal with it and try to compere them to their own laws which will take forever really.

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