Third year

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Haru glares at the dog before he creating a portkey and sent him to the goblins with a note making them to place him with the king and with sort it out for him as he goes and heads to school since Ginerva was staying with Luna to learn how to be a proxy.

Haru was on the train and saw both as Haru wonders what he'll do since Ginerva wants to learn more it seems. Once to Hogwarts, Haru and Luna sneaks Ginerva into their dormitory and Haru scans her with a spell to know about her body to figure out what to do.

Ginerva can age it seems, but only if she wishes to age. She can also drink blood, but if near the adam apple, can kill and turn the person into what she is making Haru to try and figure what she species she is really. She can hypnotized anyone if she wants.

Haru looked up everything since he brought every rune books there is and had Dobby buy some from other countries which helps as Dobby also brought Language Lozenges for him to understand the languages.

Haru found some runes that help, but one would end up killing Ginerva which is not a good thing really. Luna helps and they both managed to get Ginerva back as a human looking girl and Ginerva can still transform into her true-self.

Luna wrote it down and made sure there was another one to make them fully human which will get Haru and Luna their masteries in Runes from this and since everyone knows Luna is a Seer, this will work and Luna can join with Haru.

And Haru fell asleep to images of man shambling along, howling like a wolf for some reason, chasing the basilisk's tail as Haru ate ice-cream with Luna before a gaggle of First Years followed him like ducklings up a vertical wall of Hogwarts onto the ceiling of Great Hall.

A stilt-legged and snaggle-toothed cat bringing up the rear and Ginerva told them all that they weren't allowed to touch the floating candles because it would ruin Chokisa and Hedwig's poker game and Neville promptly touched one.

It split wax all over the front of his robes before turning into Trevor and jumping onto his real mum's head, refusing to get off with his real dad laughing. Haru didn't want to wake up from it since it was perfect for him really.

Dumbledore saw Ginerva was human again and saw what Luna wrote down with the real one they used in her trunk making him to hand it over to Haru's Rune Professor and the healers making them to see that they got Ginerva back to a full 'human'.

Haru and Luna got a class in healing and was taking it to help with the healing process of the patients really. Ginerva asked to join them since she didn't feel like she fits in Gryffindor really. It was allowed and Ginerva was happy as Haru and Luna helps her out.

'Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck,
Till though applaud the deed. Come seeling Night,
Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful Day,
And with thy bloody and invisible hand

Cancel and tear to pieces that great bond
Which keeps me pale. Light thickens,
And the crow makes wing to th' rooky wood:
Good things of Day begin to dropp and drowse,

Whiles Night's black agents to their preys do rouse.
Thou marvell'st at my worlds; but hold thee still,
Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill.
So, prithee, go with me.' Haru read from the book called Macbeth by Willian Shakespeare. Luna and Ginerva loved it as well, too. Ginerva didn't regret it, moving into the 'Wanderer' Dormitory. She loves it since she's near her very beloved master.

Haru wonders how Ginerva and Luna feels since the three went to CMC class and saw a Hippogryph for the first time. The beast walked up to Haru and Haru bows in respect making it to bow in return with Luna and Ginerva doing the same, but in a female way really.

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